BREAKING NEWS from Greenpeace UK- Published: Cairn’s oil spill response plan

by Bex

August 15, 2011

You know that oil spill response plan that Cairn has been refusing to publish? The one that tens of thousands of you asked to see? The one we went to the Arctic and to Cairn’s Edinburgh HQ to look for? The one they were so worried we’d found, they slapped a legal interdict on us to prevent us from publishing it?

Well, it’s been published. Not by Cairn – who have never wanted to release the plan – but by the government of Greenland which says it has”decided to publish the oil spill contingency plan in Greenland after having heard the wish of the public for such publication”. That’s your emails, that is. Thank you.

The response plan is here (warning: large pdf) – feel free to scrutinise it and let us know what you think in the comments. We will of course be doing our own analysis and posting it here soon.

At a glance, we see very little to allay the concerns of experts and analysts who believe a BP-style blow-out would wreck the fragile Arctic environment and its fisheries. We’ve also seen nothing to cause us to disagree with the claims of the UK government which, in private documents, said an Arctic spill would be near impossible to clean up.

We’ll keep looking. More soon.

By Bex

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