Herakles Farms: “Investing in Africa”

by Brendan Schwartz

February 4, 2014

Herakles Farmsis a gem of a company claiming to “invest” in“sustainable”agriculture in Africa, in particular in a forested corner of the South West region of Cameroon. It’s a crowded market, but what makes them so different? What sets them apart from the rest of the field?

Well, they have that wow factor that Greenpeace and other environmental organisations just love: a stubborn insistence on publicly communicating and branding themselves as truly sustainable investors while flouting the mostbasic principles of sustainabilityandcommunity development.

The contrast between their bombastic public declarations and the often unpleasant reality is stark. Herakles would have us all believe they are addressing a“dire humanitarian need”by developing a palm oil project in Cameroon, while, in reality, the company isdestroying local communities’ most valuable assets; the land and forests.

But to their credit, Herakles is bold if nothing else. They might be the only company in the world brave enough to announce in the samepress releasethe fact that their operations had been suspended by Cameroon’s Ministry of Forestry AND that the company “always has and will comply fully and transparently with government regulations in force”. All the while,they continued logging illegallyduring the Ministry of Forestry’s suspension. Just another week at the office.

Oil Palm Nursery in Cameroon

For Herakles, there are no contradictions or ironic statements, because they are soGREEN. Herakles is so Green that it knows exactly which scientists will call the plantation area a“biodiversity cold spot”, despite multiple evidence to the contrary and the presence ofbeautiful forests and rare and endangered species like Chimpanzees.

Herakles is so Green, it knows how to employ“intimidation and corruption”when they fail to convince local communities of the value of their project. Herakles is so Green, that it partnered with an NGO called All for Africa todeceive the publicinto believing that forest destruction would actually help fight climate change.

Herakles is so Green that ittold the worldit would give the Cameroonian government the valuable timber it must clear to develop its palm oil plantation while telling its own investors, behind closed doors, the companycould make $60-$90 millionby selling it. After all, money is Green and that’s what counts.

Herakles Farms Sign in Cameroon


But there is good news folks, you have the power to turn this project around. Herakles is unfathomably in so much trouble it needs cash fast and is soliciting start-up money fromprivate investors just like you!Even theWall Street Journalrecommends you get in on the Herakles Farms project in Cameroon.

Star investorJustin Pattersonis Greening the heck out of Herakles Farms. The only problem is that Justin thinks that Green stands for cash and not sustainability. The communities and forests of Cameroonand the communities and forests of Africa deserve better and more responsible investment in their environment than projects which destroy valuable habitats and remove the livelihoods of residents.

Does this seem like a good investment in Africa's farms?

If your answer is NO, pleasesign our petitionto let Herakles Farms and their investors know what Green really means.

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