Create Art for Earth

Artists Judy Chicago and Swoon have teamed up with Jane Fonda and her environmental initiative Fire Drill Fridays, in partnership with Greenpeace, the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., and Serpentine Galleries, London.

We call out to you to join us in creating art for the Earth; a global creative response to the climate crisis and the pandemic afflicting us. Create images that offer an alternative vision; one that protects the planet and all living creatures, one that promotes equity and justice for ALL.

Make art. Sing songs, create performances, recite poems. Do this alone or with your families on any kind of material that is available to you. Share what you create via the pathways we have established. Demonstrate the many ways that the arts can heal, lead, transform and make change.

Where can I share and see Create Art for Earth projects?

It's simple. #CreateArtForEarth campaign kicks off with an open call for anyone to submit art or messages addressing climate justice and post them to social media using the hashtag #CreateArtForEarth. Submissions can be in any form: paintings, photographs, sculptures, images, texts, poems, symbols, or any other visual representation that carries an environmental message.

We're sharing some of our favorites below and on our Instagram page. You'll find many more by searching for #CreateArtforEarth on Instagram and Twitter.