Ben & Jerry’s to phase out plastic straws, utensils, lids, and cups in Scoop Shops worldwide

by Perry Wheeler

January 28, 2019

Washington, DC – Ben & Jerry’s announced today that it will phase out plastic straws and utensils by April of 2019, and plastic lids, plastic cups, and plastic-lined cups by the end of 2020. In its announcement, the company acknowledged that recycling alone would never be enough to solve the plastic pollution crisis, and that we must move away from all petroleum-based single-use plastics. Ben & Jerry’s plans to make straws and wooden spoons available upon request.

In response to today’s news, Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign Director John Hocevar said:

“Ben & Jerry’s is taking an important step by eliminating throwaway plastics throughout its more than 600 shops globally. While other companies have delayed efforts to phase out single-use plastics for years, Ben & Jerry’s has set clear, short-term targets to end its reliance on these plastic items. Greenpeace agrees with Ben & Jerry’s that recycling alone will never solve the plastic pollution crisis. Today’s announcement is a great starting point for the company as it works toward eliminating its non-recyclable ice cream containers and developing systems of refill and reuse.

“Ben & Jerry’s and forward-thinking companies around the world are starting to prioritize the reduction of plastics, rather than relying on additional recycling measures that keep the flow of plastics coming. It’s time for Ben & Jerry’s parent company, Unilever, to show the same urgency with time-bound commitments to reduce its reliance on single-use plastics. With concern about plastic pollution growing every day, getting rid of plastics is quickly becoming a no-brainer for countless economic, environmental, and health reasons.”


Contact: Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Senior Communications Specialist, P: 301-675-8766

Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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