Global Plastics Treaty must reduce plastic production – or it will fail

June 2, 2023

While some substantive discussions have taken place, there is still a huge amount of work ahead of us. Plastic pollution and the climate crisis are two sides of the same coin. The Global Plastics Treaty must tackle plastic production head on.

Paris, France, June 2, 2023: In regards to the outcome of the second Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting of the Global Plastics Treaty (INC2) in Paris, France which took place on May 29 to June 2, 2023, Greenpeace USA’s Global Plastics Campaign Lead, Graham Forbes, said:

“Time is running out and it is clear from this week’s negotiations that oil producing countries and the fossil fuel industry will do everything in their power to weaken the treaty and delay the process. While some substantive discussions have taken place, there is still a huge amount of work ahead of us. Plastic pollution and the climate crisis are two sides of the same coin. The Global Plastics Treaty must tackle plastic production head on. This will align with the need to stay within 1.5C and move the world away from its plastic addiction. Anything else less than that, and the treaty will fail.”

Press Contact:

Angelica Carballo Pago, Global Plastics Campaign Media Lead, Greenpeace USA, [email protected], +63 917 1174492

Tanya Brooks, Senior Communications Specialist, Greenpeace USA,  E: [email protected] P: 703-342-9226

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