In response to news that the Department of Interior will cancel its 2016 and 2017 lease sales in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said:
“Greenpeace collectively waves its kayak paddles in thanks to the president for ensuring this Arctic protection. This is a historic decision to keep Arctic oil in the ground that will be felt for years to come. It’s great news for the Arctic and for everyone fighting against extreme fossil fuel projects.
“For years, people around the world have been demanding President Obama protect the Alaskan Arctic from catastrophic oil drilling, and today he’s taken a major step. This is the right move for President Obama to secure his climate legacy through one of the most vulnerable places on Earth, but he can still do more by using his authority to withdraw the Arctic Ocean from future offshore oil drilling.”
Contact: Travis Nichols, [email protected], 206-802-8498