Greenpeace Response to Cancellation of Icelandic Fin Whale Hunt

by Perry Wheeler

February 25, 2016

Washington, DC - Iceland’s fin whale hunt has been cancelled for 2016. Kristján Loftsson, CEO of whaling company Hvalur, has announced that it has encountered difficulties getting the whale meat to market.

In response to this news, Greenpeace Senior Oceans Campaigner Phil Kline said:

“This is incredible news and a significant blow to the future of the outdated and unnecessary slaughter of whales for profit. There is simply no economic rationale for whale hunts. Endangered fin whales are supposed to be protected internationally. Not only is this killing wrong, the toxins found in whales make them unfit to eat. Both Iceland and Japan have stockpiles of unwanted whale meat.

“It’s clear that there is simply no place today for commercial whaling. The world’s remaining whales,dolphins and porpoises face a whole host of threats from humans that we collectively aren’t tackling – from climate change, to pollution and industrial fishing. It’s time to end the charade of commercial whaling and protect these species once and for all.”


Contact: Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Media Officer, P: 301-675-8766

Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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