Senate Confirms ‘Ultimate Swamp Monster’ David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary


April 11, 2019

Swamp Monsters Attend Interior Secretary Nominee David Bernhardt's Hearing in Washington DC

A Greenpeace activist dressed as a "swamp monster" attended Interior Secretary nominee David Bernhardt's hearing in front of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. © Ken Cedeno / Greenpeace

© Ken Cedeno / Greenpeace

Washington, DC — Today, the Senate voted to confirm David Bernhardt as Secretary of the Interior by a vote of 56-41. In response, Greenpeace USA Climate Campaign Director Janet Redman said:

“With this vote, Trump just got one step closer to carving up every inch of this country and auctioning it off to corporate polluters. It’s appalling that Senate would confirm one of the most ethically conflicted appointees to ever come before it, yet it’s another reminder of the pervasive influence of fossil fuel money in our government. While we’re encouraged that each of the Senate Democrats vying for the party’s 2020 nomination voted in opposition today, our next president will have to be fearless in reclaiming our economy — and our democracy — from the likes of Bernhardt and his industry friends.”

Yesterday, Greenpeace USA activist Irene Kim — whose donning of a “swamp monster” mask at Bernhardt’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee hearing went viral two weeks ago — delivered a petition signed by more than 170,000 people opposing Bernhardt’s nomination to Mitch McConnell’s office.

The petition signatures were collected by Climate Hawks Vote, Corporate Accountability, CREDO Action, Daily Kos, Demand Progress, Endangered Species Coalition, Greenpeace USA, Friends of the Earth Action, People, Demanding Action, and SierraRise, voicing the concern of people across the country who don’t want a fossil fuel lobbyist in charge of the Interior Department.

Kim said:

“Is it weird that I put on my best suit and a swamp monster mask to pay a visit to Mitch McConnell’s office? Sure. But not as weird as putting David Bernhardt in charge of our country’s public lands and waters. Bernhardt is the ultimate swamp creature — a career lobbyist who’s spent his two years inside the White House making his former clients’ dreams come true. Today, the Senate was confronted with Bernhardt’s shady dealings and conflicts of interest and chose to look the other way, but we the people will not.”


For photo and video of Greenpeace’s swamp monster protest at Bernhardt’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing and yesterday’s demonstration at the Senate Russell Office, visit here.

Contact: Ryan Schleeter, Senior Communications Specialist, Greenpeace USA: +1 (415) 342-2386, [email protected]


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