Toolkit: Climate Scorecard – Polling Place Canvassing


The 2020 election is an opportunity for us to change the course of history from one that is polluted by fossil fuels to one where all people have a dignified future. Whoever voters choose in the primaries this Spring and early Summer will face off in the general presidential election on November 3 – and could end up in the White House in 2021. This is where we come in – we need our next president to champion a Green New Deal and take on the fossil fuel industry. That’s why we are calling on people all across the country to VOTE for a climate leader in their state’s primary. Greenpeace analyzed all the major presidential candidates’ climate plans and ranked them on a #Climate2020 Scorecard to inform voters about which candidates are most prepared to champion the bold action our communities deserve.

Standing outside of polling locations is a common practice in many states as a means to engage voters about the election. There is always a handful of voters who go to the polls without their minds entirely made up on who they plan to support, or with misconceptions about the candidates on the ballot. We want to provide voters the opportunity to talk through the climate plans of each candidate and encourage them to help us in the fight to elect a climate leader. 

Setting up your event

Once you’ve decided the time and location of the caucus site/polling place, post your details to our events map here so we can encourage other Greenpeace supporters in your area to join you!

Download copies of the Climate 2020 scorecard here. You will need to make sure to print plenty for your polling location canvassing.

Before you hit the polls

  • Bring some friends! At the polls, distribute yourselves strategically to make sure you are able to approach every voter that comes to the polls. 
  • Print enough scorecards so you don’t run out! You’d be surprised by how many you can pass out in an hour of canvassing.
  • Please remember that certain states have laws regarding the distribution of election-related materials near polling places.  We suggest that you check your state’s laws here:

Sample script for engaging voters

Hi there, do you have a moment to talk about the climate and the election? 

  • If yes: Great! This election cycle will determine the future of our planet and we cannot afford to sit it out. We’re focused on highlighting the difference in climate plans among the candidates to ensure voters know who the champions are. Here is Greenpeace’s ranking of all the presidential candidates and the strength of their climate plans. [HAND THEM SCORECARD] If you’d like to get involved with Greenpeace’s effort to elect a climate champion to the White House, you can text “Climate 2020” to 877-877.
  • If no: Ok, have a nice day!