Toolkit: Letter Writing 101: Build the Climate Vote

Thanks for writing letters to climate voters!

If you haven’t already, please request your letters here.

Build the Climate Vote is a volunteer-powered letter writing and sending personalized letters to voters in key races. Personalized letters have been shown to be one of the most effective ways to help get voters to the polls. Plus, it’s fun and easy to do!

As a letter writer, you’ll be a part of a network of Greenpeace volunteers from across the country participating in virtual letter writing parties, signing up to write letters individually, or going that extra mile in hosting a letter writing party of your own with family and friends.

Follow the steps below and/or in this slide deck guide to find out how to write and request letters!

There are 3 different ways to write letters:

Virtual Letter Writing TrainingJoin a group of fellow volunteers on Zoom to receive a quick training and write your letters together!

Sign up for a Virtual Training

Individual Letter Writing (Writing Letters on your Own Time) – Write letters at your own pace whenever you want to! (we recommend you attend at least one Virtual Letter Writing Training first)

Request a packet of letters

Hosting a letter writing party – Once you’re comfortable with the process for requesting letters and the training, invite your friends/family to join you at a virtual or in-person letter writing party!

Host a letter writing party

Get Your Letters

Fill out this letter request form and you will receive a batch of 30 letters within ~30 mins. You can download and print these letters at home or at a local print shop. You can – and we hope you will! – request multiple batches over the course of the campaign, but make sure to complete each batch before requesting more.

Are you a Spanish speaker? We are specifically targeting letters to likely Latinx voters in CA-30. Be sure to request a BILINGUAL letter packet on the letter request form.

Can’t print? You can also choose to have a packet of letters mailed to your home. Wait time is 5-10 business days.

Writing Your Letters

Letters will consist of a short printed script (using tested, highly effective messaging), a scorecard clearly communicating candidate positions, a space for you to handwrite a message, and the voter’s name and address at the footer at the bottom.

Materials Needed

  • Printed letters
  • Blank white envelopes
  • Stamps (not needed until later)
  • Pens/Markers

Letter Template:

When you write your letters as part of an event or on your own, make sure to follow these steps:

  • Write the voter’s name at the top of the letter after “Dear…” (voter information will be included in the footer of each letter).
  • Handwrite a personal message using these sample handwritten messages.
  • Address the envelope to the assigned voter (whose address is also in the footer of the letter). You can leave the return address blank.
  • Fold and seal the envelope and add standard letter postage (68c) now or later.
  • HOLD ON to your letters until the official send date (see ‘Mailing Letters‘ below)
  • Sign up for another event and request more letters!

Sample Handwritten Messages

All of the messages below have been shown to be effective in boosting voter turnout. We highly encourage you to use or adapt one or more of these messages and be sure to personalize by signing with your name. Spanish options are included for bilingual letter writers.

Message Options – English:

We’re counting on reliable voters like you to vote for the climate on March 5! Be sure to make a plan to vote by mail or in person. Thank you!

Thank you for being a voter we can count on! I vote in every election because… X. Be sure to make a plan to vote for the climate on March 5!

Climate is such an important issue this election. See how the candidates compare on this scorecard, and make a plan to vote by mail or in person March 5!

Message Options – Spanish

¡Estamos contando con que votantes confiables como tú voten por a favor del clima el 5 de marzo! Lee esta tarjeta de puntuación y haz un plan para votar por correo o en persona. ¡Gracias!

¡Gracias por ser uno/a de los votantes en los que podemos contar! Voto en todas las elecciones porque… X. ¡Lee esta tarjeta de puntuación y haz un plan para votar por correo o en persona el 5 de marzo!

Mailing Your Letters

Once you’ve completed your letters, please DO NOT mail your letters until the official send date for the campaign you’re working on. Get out the vote letters are most effective when they are received within one week of the election.

The official send date for our letters is February 16, 2024