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「年度小額增加捐款計劃」詳情:Details of the Annual Upgrade Program:

自您同意加入本計劃後,您的每月捐款金額將於每年度小幅度增加港幣 6 元,讓綠色和平環境倡議工作得以持續推進!By opting-in to this Program, you authorise Greenpeace to make a small increase in the amount of your monthly donation by HKD 6 annually. Your support will be vital for us to continue our work for a safer and greener future.

  1. 每月捐款會員加入「年度小額增加捐款計劃」後,於每年 1 月 1 日自動授權綠色和平把您的每月捐款金額小幅度增加港幣 6 元。
    (例如:會員 A 於 2022 年登記成為每月捐款會員,每月捐款金額港幣 300 元,若他於 2022 年 10 月加入「年度小額增加捐款計劃」,而中間沒有其他捐款改動,他的每月捐款金額將於 2023 年 1 月自動增加港幣 6 元,即變成每月捐款金額港幣 306 元,而再下一次的變動將會於 2024 年 1 月,屆時每月捐款金額小額增加至港幣 312 元,如此類推。)After joining the Annual Upgrade Program, you will automatically authorise Greenpeace to increase the amount of your monthly donation by HKD 6 on the 1st January every year. (Example: If a monthly donor joined Greenpeace in 2022 with a monthly donation of HKD 300 and opted in to the Program in October 2022, the donor’s monthly donation will be increased by HKD 6 in January 2023, which means that the donor will be donating HKD 306 monthly in 2023. Holding other factors constant, the donor’s monthly donation in January 2024 will automatically increase to HKD 312; so on and so forth.)
  2. 加入「年度小額增加捐款計劃」後,您保留隨時終止計劃之權利。如有意取消或更改授權,必須於最少 10 個工作天之前,致電會員熱線 (852) 2854 8318,或電郵至 [email protected] 。You are entitled to the full right to terminate the Program anytime. If you wish to cancel or change your contribution to Greenpeace, please call or send a written request at least 10 working days before your next donation payment to our Donor Services team at [email protected] or (852) 2854 8318.


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