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專題報導 氣候
3 mins


作者: Greenpeace
氣候變遷帶來區域性、全球性的極端氣候事件。這些氣候現象的背後,衍生出一連串人權問題。來自太平洋島國的母親 Joeteshna Zenos 道盡氣候變遷讓島國人民喪失基本生存權利的心聲,是關切地球氣候的同時,另個不容忽視的嚴峻議題。


去年由全球195個參與國史無前例一致通過《巴黎氣候協議》,這份國際法也在今年10月5日由聯合國氣候首長埃斯皮諾薩(Patricia Espinosa)宣佈於11月4日正式生效。協定生效只是個起步,全世界各國政府能否把握這次機會,有效阻止升溫失控,保障地球氣候的同時,人權問題的考驗也才正要開始。

Betio, Kiribati, Pacific OceanYoung girl in the fishing village Te O Ni Beeki on Tarawa Island. Kiribati is considered one of the least developed and poorest countries in the world with people whose livelihoods depend on the fish. Since the arrival of foreign fishing vessels in Kiribati waters the catches for the local fishermen has been reduced.










Beiataake Orea, a school teacher, stands on the beach at Tenoraereke village, examines an old sea wall and fallen coconut trees destroyed by the sea, expressing her worry about the future of her island of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean. The islands, and their way of life, are endangered by rising sea water levels which are eroding the fragile atoll, home to approximately 92,000 people.



21st May 2015. Tanna Island, Vanuatu. Houses and structures on the Island show the damage from the Cyclone.The Rainbow Warrior anchors offshore while RHIBs (Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boats) deliver goods to the outer Island of Vanuatu. Extreme weather events, such as Cyclone Pam, threaten to become the new normal for Pacific island states as the global climate changes, underscoring the urgency to cut global emissions to avert a climate crisis.






Tarawa Island, Kiribati, Pacific OceanPenelise Alofa standing next to the sea wall with waves in the community Temwaiku-Tenei, on Tarawa Island, where the rising ocean is encroaching on their community. Kiribati, is a group of Islands in the Pacific Ocean in risk of disappearing because of sea level rise caused by melting sea ice and and ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The rising sea levels also contaminates their drinking wells with salt water. Penelise has been working on climate change issues for the almost ten years in Kiribati as the National Coordinator of the Kiribati Climate Action Network. Penelise has visited many Kiribati islands to document the impacts of rising sea-levels on Kiribati communities, such as salt water intrusion into drinking water and the soil. She jokes that global fossil fuel companies should either stop contributing to climate change and making sea levels rise, or build a “new or better” island for her and all Kiribati people to live on.


菲律賓的人權委員會在7月28日,要求47家化石燃料公司,包括全球最大採礦業公司澳洲的必和必拓集團(BHP Billiton)、荷蘭殼牌(Shell)和英國石油公司(BP),對一份達60頁的法律請願書做出回應。在這份請願書中表示化石燃料公司排放的溫室氣體侵犯了菲律賓人民的人權,也是首次由國家級人權機構,對人權受氣候變遷影響表達立場,並要求私人企業負起責任的行動。


Tarawa Island, Kiribati, Pacific OceanPenelise Alofa has been working on climate change issues for the almost ten years in Kiribati as the National Coordinator of the Kiribati Climate Action Network. Penelise has visited many Kiribati islands to document the impacts of rising sea-levels on Kiribati communities, such as salt water intrusion into drinking water and the soil. She jokes that global fossil fuel companies should either stop contributing to climate change and making sea levels rise, or build a “new or better” island for her and all Kiribati people to live on.



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