Find actions for you
Take our environmental quiz to see how sustainable your lifestyle habits really are, and what possible impactful actions you can take.
Start Quiz

Where does the waste from your home go?
Select at least one that applies to you to continue
How aware are you of your carbon footprint?
Are you aware of the amount of energy utilized to bring water to your home?
What sustainable changes have you made at home so far?
Select at least one that applies to you to continue
Your main form of transportation is
Select at least one that applies to you to continue
How do you reduce single-use of plastic?
Select at least one that applies to you to continue
Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?
What do you use to carry your groceries?
Select at least one that applies to you to continue
How do you mainly shop for food?
How do you make your voice heard?
Select at least one that applies to you to continue


Your Result
You don’t just live by principles
You are 0% eco-friendly

Take more impactful action
Whether that’s making your voice heard through petitions, attending climate rallies or asking businesses for better climate policies, you’re ready to spread the message for greater collective impact.
Here are the easiest ways you can create momentum