Unbreathable air. Toxic water. Job insecurity. Coal plants next to residential areas. Cancer, lung disease and asthma. This is life in South Africa right now.
Scroll down for more information and actions you can take as SA decides.

1- Sign the petition
Protecting communities from the impacts of the fossil fuel-driven energy crisis requires steady leadership. Let’s hold the incoming government accountable to phase out dirty fuels – that means banning all new oil, gas and coal development (both exploration and new infrastructure.)
2- Send your Minister a message
A world beyond fossil fuels is possible. Let’s make sure the next South African government puts renewable energy and jobs first.
Will you quickly tweet to make sure more people vote for climate justice this election – and tag your local election candidates if you can!
3- Share a message on social media
Amid election discussions on soaring living costs, we’re reminded of the pain every time we make any kind of purchase. Decarbonising our energy system is not just a climate solution, it’s key to easing the cost-of-living crisis. Please share this post with your circle to remind them that solutions exist!
4- Join Greenpeace Africa on WA
There is a growing movement and community of people calling for change on our WhatsApp channel. Here you can have one-on-one conversations with other climate voters and the Greenpeace Africa team to share ideas on how we can create a better, fairer and greener Africa!
📢 Listen to the real stories of the South African Youth
Poem by Mandi Vundla
A Country Run On Renewables is Possible
The Multi-Faceted Crisis
Energy monopolies, with the government’s complicity, continue to amass more and more political power. They stop at nothing in pursuit of profits, even if it means poisoning vulnerable and working-class families.
Will we allow the handling of these crises to be dictated by polluters and politicians, or will we the people demand a more just AND compassionate response to the crises we face?
We need to pressure the incoming SA government to invest in the green and just transition away from fossil fuels. Investing in renewable energy will create better lives for all of us here in South Africa.

South Africa Elections 2024: The Energy Crisis, The Unemployment Fix & You
May 29, the date for the SA general elections is drawing even closer. For us, this means concerns over the multidimensional crisis we find ourselves in are higher than ever.
How does a vote for clean energy and the climate agenda improve everyday South African life?