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  • Campaigns Lead

    The Campaigns Lead is responsible for supporting the Program Director in the planning and development of effective and integrated programme strategies and will lead the coordination and implementation of campaign strategies and projects to achieve Greenpeace's mission across MENA. This will involve assisting the Programme Director with strategic planning, and the day-to-day delivery of the…

    Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa
  • Five Ways to Celebrate World Nature Conservation Day

    Each year, on July 28th, we come together to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day—a crucial reminder of the importance of preserving our planet’s natural resources. This day is dedicated to…

    Hiam Mardini
  • Extreme weather: is Climate change to blame?

    Heatwaves, flooding and other extreme weather appear to be happening more often, and getting more severe. But how much of it is down to climate change?

    Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa
  • The Story of the Energy Transfer SLAPP Lawsuit, and Why It Matters

    Big Oil companies like Energy Transfer and corporate polluters all around the world have a new weapon they are using to silence anyone advocating for a just, green, and peaceful future: SLAPP lawsuits. In recent years, these Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) have been wielded by corporations attempting to suppress free speech and limit…

    Media Office
  • June 2024 Breaks Heat Records: Greenpeace MENA Demands Accountability from International Oil Companies

    June 2024 has been confirmed as the hottest on record by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, marking the 13th consecutive month of record-breaking global temperatures. Kenzie Azmi, Campaigns Lead for "Stop Drilling, Start Paying" at Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa, commented "This is deeply alarming.

    Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa
  • شهر حزيران/يونيو 2024 كان الأشدّ حرارة: غرينبيس تطالب بمساءلة شركات النفط العالمية

    أكّدت بيانات خدمة كوبرنيكوس لتغير المناخ أن شهر يونيو/حزيران 2024 كان الأشد حرارة على الإطلاق، مما يجعله الشهر الثالث عشر على التوالي الذي يصل فيه متوسط درجة الحرارة العالمية إلى رقم قياسي. 

    غرينبيس الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
  • Scorched-earth: making Gaza uninhabitable for generations to come

    Alongside the joys of childhood in the mountains of southern Lebanon, war and active bombing were never far away. While the Israeli occupation of most parts of southern Lebanon...

    Farah Al Hattab
  • سياسة الأرض المحروقة: تحويل غزة إلى أرض غير صالحة للسكن للأجيال المقبلة

    بالرغم من الطفولة السعيدة التي عشتُها في جبال جنوب لبنان، كانت الحرب وعمليات القصف المتواصل على مرمى حجر منّا دومًا. ففيما انتهى الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لغالبيّة مناطق جنوب لبنان في 25 أيار/مايو 2000، أي عندما كنتُ أبلغ سنتَيْن من العمر، لا تزال الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة وهضبة الجولان ومزارع شبعا محتلّة حتى اليوم...

    فرح الحطاب
  • Climate Justice Survey

    We are interested in learning about your participation in climate justice activities, and your awareness of Greenpeace MENA’s work to help us better understand our audience.

    Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa
  • Multimedia Intern

    The intern will provide general support to the SAWT team at Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa, focusing on motion graphic design using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro. This internship offers the opportunity to develop new skill sets and gain hands-on experience in various aspects of Greenpeace MENA's multimedia work.

    Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa