On March 1st 2017, the Esperanza ship sailed to the Praia harbour in Cape Verde to begin its journey in West African waters. One goal: show local governments that there is a serious need for strong regional fisheries management.

While transiting to our next destination, we are enjoying the surroundings of the great blue and its inhabitant. Whales came to visit us, for a swift and discreet welcome. 

As we get closer to the coast, birds start to follow the ship, hoping to dine on a quick meal, spying the waves we are making for an easy catch.

One of them came a bit too close to the mast. He had a piece of fish net caught on his leg. Luckily, a crew member quickly stepped in, climbed the bow mast to free him.

This is just the beginning of a 3 month tour we hope will help restore our African ocean. Take a look at more daily pictures here and more information about our expedition in the West African waters here

Please join the call for healthy oceans here, sign the petition! 

Bird rescue video by Maarten van Rouveroy and whale photo by Pierre Gleizes


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