Aktivis Greenpeace melakukan protes di Festival Cannes Lions, sebuah festival iklan bergengsi di Eropa yang melibatkan lebih dari 15.000 pelaku profesional di bidang  periklanan dan komunikasi. Festival ini diadakan setiap tahun di Cannes, Prancis, sejak 1954. 

Laporan terakhir IPCC menyatakan industri periklanan memiliki peran dalam memicu peningkatan krisis iklim. Ratusan ilmuwan sudah sepakat menandatangani petisi yang menyerukan agar biro periklanan berhenti bekerja sama dengan perusahaan bahan bakar fosil dan menyebarluaskan disinformasi terkait darurat iklim.

Greenpeace melakukan aksi mengecam keterlibatan biro periklanan dengan industri bahan bakar fosil. Aktivis Greenpeace menyerukan agar biro periklanan yang bekerja sama dengan industri bahan bakar fosil dan terlibat dalam menyebarkan disinformasi segera menghentikan iklan tersebut. Protes damai tersebut diikuti lebih dari 35 organisasi yang mendorong petisi European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) dan menyerukan larangan baru pada periklanan dan sponsor bahan bakar fosil di Uni Eropa.

Menyela pembukaan Festival Cannes Lions

Aksi protes dimulai saat upacara pembukaan ketika salah seorang aktivis Greenpeace Prancis yang juga mantan pemenang penghargaan Cannes Lions menyela upacara pembukaan untuk memberikan kembali penghargaan yang dimenangkannya. Tindakan ini merupakan seruan agar biro periklanan segera menghentikan kerja sama dengan industri bahan bakar fosil dan terlibat dalam menyebarkan disinformasi seputar darurat iklim.

A Greenpeace France activist and former winner and jury at the Cannes Lions awards – the famous advertising festival – interrupted the opening ceremony in Cannes to give back an award he won for an airline company advert. This symbolic action highlights the support ad agencies provide for fossil products and services in the middle of an ongoing climate crisis, therefore further delaying climate action. 
With more than 35 other NGOs, Greenpeace France is campaigning for a ban on all advertising promoting ads, partnerships and sponsorships for companies selling fossil products and services.

Meme “This is Fine”

Salah satu bentuk protes lainnya adalah menghadirkan Anjing terkenal dari meme “This is fine” yang berjalan-jalan di Kota Cannes selama gelaran Festival Cannes Lions. Pesan yang disampaikan sama seperti meme, yakni perusahaan bahan bakar fosil menggunakan iklan dan sponsor untuk membuat kita percaya bahwa “This Is Fine“, untuk terus melanggengkan bisnis mereka yang merusak iklim. 

The famous dog from the “This is fine” meme had a stroll through Cannes City during the Cannes Lions festival. Just like the meme, fossil fuel companies are using ads and sponsorships to make us believe that “This Is Fine”, to continue selling their climate wrecking business. The Cannes Lions is the most important advertisement festival in Europe and Greenpeace France, through this dog, wants to denounce the denial of advertising agencies in face of climate emergency. Greenpeace France with more than 35 organisations are pushing a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) petition, calling for a new ban on fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship in the EU.

Proyeksi visual “Fossil Fuel Ads are Burning the Planet

Greenpeace Prancis juga memproyeksikan serangkaian visual dari kapal Rainbow Warrior di pelabuhan Cannes. Proyeksi tersebut memuat daftar panjang penghargaan yang diberikan kepada kampanye iklan perusahaan yang menjual produk dan layanan bahan bakar fosil.

Greenpeace France projected a series of visuals from the Rainbow Warrior sailing vessel in Cannes harbour, during the most important advertisement festival in Europe, the Cannes Lions. A long list of awards given to the advertising campaigns of companies selling fossil fuel products and services were projected on the boat. Greenpeace France is denouncing the support ad agencies provide for fossil products and services in the middle of an ongoing climate crisis, therefore further delaying climate action. With more than 35 other NGOs, Greenpeace France is campaigning for a ban on all advertising promoting ads, partnerships and sponsorships for companies selling fossil products and services.

Climbing Action saat gelaran festival

Setelah 3 hari aksi selama festival periklanan Cannes Lions, aktivis Greenpeace Prancis membentangkan pesan “fossil ads are burning the planet”. Kemudian terdapat sebuah truk pemadam kebakaran yang melambangkan darurat iklim dan anjing-anjing dari meme “Ini baik-baik saja”, merupakan gambaran penolakan biro iklan dalam menghadapi keadaan darurat iklim.

Following 3 days of actions during the advertising festival Cannes Lions, Greenpeace France activists displayed their message “fossil ads are burning the planet” directly on the Palais. Facing the banner, a fire truck symbolized the climate emergency. And up the ladder, dogs from the “This is fine” meme, highlight the denial of advertising agencies in the face of the climate emergency. Throughout the entirety of the festival, Greenpeace France has been campaigning for a ban on fossil fuel advertising, partnerships and sponsorships in Europe. Greenpeace France along with over 35 organisations are pushing a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) petition, calling for a new law that bans fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship in the EU.