Greenpeace Southeast Asia Governance
The Greenpeace Southeast Asia Board of Directors is responsible for organisational level strategic decisions including approving organisational policy; approving the organisational development plan; and ratifying decisions made at Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s annual general meeting.
Meet Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s Board Members
The Greenpeace Southeast Asia (GPSEA) Board normally consists of five members. Board members act as the guarantor of the integrity of the organisation and ensures adherence to internationally accepted good governance and financial management standards. It approves GPSEA’s budget and audited accounts, and appoints and supervises Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s executive directors.
The board members give strategic guidance and help steer GPSEA’s programme plans for implementation. They consist of the following members:
1. Melizel Asuncion Atty
Melizel is the senior director for operations at Verité Southeast Asia (VSEA). Her background in human rights, including working with labour and migrant workers, indigenous peoples and women brings a wealth of experience to the board. Concurrently, she remains part of the VSEA Research and Stakeholder Engagement Programs, leading the Policy Advocacy Unit.
2. Wahyu Dhyatmika
Wahyu is the editor-in-chief of Tempo Magazine, the flagship publication of Tempo Media Group, an independent news organisation in Indonesia, well-known for its investigative reporting. He is also a board member of the Alliance of Independent Journalists and the secretary-general of the Association of Indonesian Cyber Media, where he works to help strengthen Indonesia’s press freedom. In 2015, he completed his Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University.
3. Alexandra Laforie-Yates
Alexandra brings to the Board extensive experience in auditing, finance, project management, crisis management, strategic development and the governance of large-scale international corporations, as well as Greenpeace International. She joined the Board in 2015 and has completed the International Organisations MBA program at the University of Geneva.
4. Jerald Joseph
Jerald has been a defender and trainer at local and international levels on human rights issues, especially on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the elimination of racial discrimination. He has served as a member of various organisations including the Commonwealth Foundation Advisory Body, the Asian South Pacific Bureau for Adult Education and the international steering committee of the UN World Conference Against Racism. He is presently the commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and advisor of Pusat KOMAS, a popular human rights communications centre.
5. Angela Chen
Angela has taken leading roles in education reform-related programmes for organisations including the World Bank and was the asia regional director for the Educational Development Center for 10 years. Angela brings to the Board years of experience in strategic planning, fundraising, programme management and business development for nonprofit and for-profit organisations in Asia and Africa. Angela is a graduate of International Affairs, Economic Policy Management from Columbia University.
Annual Reports, Financial Statements, and Transparency.
Greenpeace Southeast Asia adheres to the principles of availability, integrity and confidentiality, while at the same time safeguarding, from abuse or compromise, our supporters’, people’s, allies’ and partners’ and our own sensitive information.
Our Most Recent Annual Reports
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