Our Values

Greenpeace Africa’s campaigns and management are guided by 7 Values that are uniquely set out based on the Core Values and Principles of Greenpeace globally and reflecting on the cultural diversity of our continent.

Is an African philosophy roughly described as “I am, because we are”. Greenpeace Africa strives to act and be part of the people and their struggles. We reach out to allies, communities, supporters, volunteers and staff alike to shape the way we campaign and work.

We are brave and confident to take risks and challenge power. We recognise courage comes in many forms, sometimes in leading from the front and sometimes in stepping back to create space for change. In winning the battle, we inspire the hearts of people to find their own courage.

We strive to exercise sound, solid, and well-grounded morals that set an example. When confronted by animosity, we stick to our values and principles, ensuring we maintain our honesty and stay truthful to who we are.

Africa is diverse, and we embrace that diversity as our own. In our workplace and in partnership, in our campaigning and messaging; we represent more than one group and are inclusive of diverse voices.

Living in Harmony with Nature
In taking from nature we must give back and replenish nature. We stop every form of its destruction by pushing for small and big changes. In our day to day life, we enjoy the tranquillity and education that nature offers and share them with our communities.

Freedom & Transparency
As an independent organisation, we are clear and transparent, we have the freedom and power to act, speak or think without externally imposed constraints.

Fairness in the protection of rights and punishment of wrongs. We do not pick and choose when to practice justice and when not to. We practice justice across the board both internally and externally based on our goals, objectives and financial resources.