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He mea nui te tirohanga taketake ki te tētahi Tiriti Global Plastics kaha
I tēnei wiki, kei Nairobi ahau hei taraketi kaitirotiro ki te tuatoru o ngā rauna whiriwhiringa ki tētahi Tiriti Global Plastic.
Kua puta te tuhinga hukihuki Tiriti Global Plastic, kua tīmata ngā mahi tūturu
E kī nei a Green Peace Aoteroa he mea whakaputa i te wiki nei kote mahi ki te Tiri Global Plastic he whakatūturu i tā ngā iwi taketake whai wāhi, ka mutu, kia iwi taketake te ārahi o ngā whakatau ki ōna huānga katoa.
He aha te tikanga o te International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples?
Inanahi ko te International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. Kāore pea i mahara ia koe, heoi, kaua e māharahara- e wātea tonu ana te whakanui! Mena e taea ana…
Kei te pīrangi a Aotearoa ki tētahi kaupapa whakahoki ipu, engari kāore te kāwanatanga i te whakarongo
Tuaritia mā Whatsapp tuaritia mā Facebook tuaritia mā Twitter tuaritia mā te īmera.
Te utu o te haere ki te hui Tiriti Whakakore Kirihau
Ko au tētahi i haere ki te hui Tiriti Whakakore Kirihau i tērā tau, i te Noema, hei kanohi mā Greenpeace Aotearoa. Ka mārama taku kite, i ngā haukoti a ngā Kāwanatanga, i tā Aotearoa, me ngā whenua noho tata ki a tātou. He hui ipurangi kē tēnei, arā, kāhore he take kia rere atu…