Talk to your Member of Parliament or Local Candidate

Let’s bring our shared vision for a Green New Deal to political leaders, and challenge them to adopt these visionary policies.

Communicating with your MPs is an important process where concerned citizens like you can share your interests, concerns and demands with our elected leaders, or to those running during an election period. It’s an effective and direct way to make your voice heard in order to influence public policy.

Parties are supposed to pay attention to their constituents. They want to know what’s important to you and it’s their job to listen.

Here are a few ways you can engage with your MP to push them to act!

Take action with us.

Duration: from 3 min to few hours
Online – Offline
Alone or in small groups

Greenpeace is a non-partisan organization that is not affiliated with any political party or candidate, or platform. Greenpeace’s push for a Green New Deal goes beyond the election period, however Greenpeace Canada is taking diligent steps to comply with Elections Canada requirements of reporting.