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Netting Profits, Risking Lives: The Unresolved Human and Environmental Exploitation at Sea
Forced labor and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing indications continue to be pervasive in Taiwanese distant water fishing. Recruitment agencies reportedly benefit financially by exploiting migrant fishers. This investigation…
Ratifying and Implementing ILO Convention 188 in ASEAN Member States: Briefing Paper
There is rapidly growing concern over acts of forced labour and human trafficking in the fishing industry on a global scale.
24 civil organizations call on ASEAN to better protect migrant fishers’ rights
Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 September 2021— Key human rights, migrant worker, and crime government agencies are failing to protect and meet the needs of Southeast Asian migrant fishers working on-board distant…
US government block fishing vessel on suspicion of forced labor – Greenpeace Southeast Asia response
“To ensure the rights and life of fishing crews are protected, we need flag states to uphold international standards and perform proper oversight and safety of their ships so decent work at sea can be achieved."
Withholding of wages tops forced labour allegations
“Forced Labour at Sea: The Case of Indonesian Migrant Fishers”, looked at complaints from Indonesian migrant fishers filed with SBMI from May 2019 to June 2020 (13 months) to highlight the patterns and types of forced labour accusations on distant water fishing fleets.
Forced Labour at Sea: The Case of Indonesian Migrant Fisher
In this report, a follow up to "Seabound: The Journey to Modern Slavery on the High Seas” (2019), Greenpeace Southeast Asia analysed complaints from Indonesian migrant fishers over a 13 month period between 2019 - 2020 to show how forced labour indicators have increased.
Why are Indonesian fishing crews dying?
With easy access to mobile technology, migrant fishers are able to document their mistreatment and often, evidence of illegal fishing and bycatch, such as shark finning. It’s led to an outpouring of attention and renewed focus on forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation that have been commonplace on industrial fishing vessels for…
Greenpeace Southeast Asia on the latest case of Indonesian migrant fishers onboard Chinese fishing vessel Liao Yuan Yu 103, requesting immediate rescue by Indonesian authorities
In the past six years, Greenpeace Indonesia and Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) have received 338 labor abuse complaints of Indonesian migrant fishers onboard foreign fishing vessels. It is important to note that this kind of case is recurring because of the lack of proactive and effective actions taken by Indonesian government in the last…
Sustainability and Justice on the High Seas: 2020 edition Southeast Asia Canned Tuna Ranking
In the fourth edition of Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s Tuna Cannery Ranking, we evaluated nine canned tuna brands in Thailand, five tuna canneries in Indonesia, and six tuna canneries in the Philippines
Who is FCF? Taiwan’s biggest tuna trader linked to forced labour & illegal fishing
Clear links between a Taiwanese seafood trading company and appalling cases of forced labour involving vulnerable migrant workers from Southeast Asia, as well as illegal fishing practices have been highlighted in a new report by Greenpeace East Asia