People who make Greenpeace

Our team is working for Greenpeace Ukraine to advocate green reconstruction, showcase the best recovery solution, and monitor the nuclear threats.

Natalia Gozak, Office Director of Greenpeace Ukraine

Natalia Gozak has had a love for nature and animals since childhood. At school, she adored biology and was fascinated by the way all life on the planet works. Following the call of her heart, Natalia entered the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to study ecology and has since co-founded several well-known environmental organizations in Ukraine. She has worked for the United Nations Development Program, Ecoaclub Green Wave, WWF Ukraine, Ecoaction, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Today, Natalia is developing Greenpeace’s office in Ukraine and, while her family is defending our country, she dedicates herself  to stopping the destruction of nature and ensuring that future generations of Ukrainians can live on a healthy planet.

Serhii Khara, Campaigner

As an ecologist, Serhii worked at the Kyiv Zoo, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Transport University and Holosiivskyi National Nature Park.

Serhii’s love for nature was formed in his childhood from watching zoological and botanical atlases and nature documentaries. It is not surprising that he is now a member of the WCPA – the World Commission on Protected Areas.

His greatest motivation in his work is the desire to save nature from the effects of human activity and the idea that “Man should stop adjusting the planet to himself and start adjusting to nature.”

Polina Kolodyazhna, Senior campaigner

Polina helps communities recover from Russian attacks, modernize their buildings, and move towards energy independence, sustainability, and environmental friendliness. In the international community, Polina advocates for the Ukrainian issue, calling for increased aid to the country and demanding sanctions against Russia.

Her biggest ambition is to help Ukraine be prosperous and strong.

Yevheniia Kravchenko, Engagement Coordinator

Zhenia’s role is to develop the Greenpeace Ukraine community, support existing initiatives and activist teams, and provide opportunities for everyone to become active in strengthening the voice of the environmental movement in Ukraine. Zhenia believes that engaging people in creating change is crucial because it is the power of people that makes the world around us a better place!

Illia Kuksenko, Junior Campaigner

Illia is the junior campaigner for the Green Reconstruction of Ukraine project. He studied international relations in Czechia and volunteered in Ukraine by bringing aid to those severely affected by the ongoing war. Upon returning to Ukraine and seeing the devastation caused by the war, he was motivated to start working with reconstruction of the country and joined the Greenpeace team in Ukraine in 2023.

Daryna Rohachuk, Communications Manager at Greenpeace Ukraine

Daryna makes sure that all of Ukraine knows about our team’s campaigns, projects, and ideas. She knows how to explain complex topics in simple words, get the media interested, and create great content. Daryna Rohachuk has been working in journalism and communications for more than 10 years, with experience in television, online media, and government agencies. Her goal is to work with large-scale and value-based tasks that will change Ukraine for the better.

Anna Talash, Community manager

Anna organizes meetings for young people who want to develop in the field of ecology and activism. She is also engaged in opening a space that will become a meeting place for young people who want to take care of our environment and wildlife and create a green future in Ukraine. Anna has an education in marketing, but she found herself in social activism. She organizes cultural, artistic, and environmental events for young people and builds connections between people, organizations, and friendship groups. Anna’s love for nature was formed during her student years traveling around Ukraine and realizing how beautiful our country is. For about 5 years now, she has been broadcasting the values of environmental awareness to the world.

Tetiana Shamina, social media communications specialist at Greenpeace Ukraine

Tetyana knows how to present the most complex idea in a way that gets the most likes and shares on social media. During her 10 years of work in media and communications, she has conducted successful information campaigns on social media, engaged people in signing appeals and petitions, and developed social media from scratch for a small environmental organization that has become one of the most famous in Ukraine in a few years. Tetiana is convinced that competent communication is the key to success in any business.

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