Greenpeace takes your privacy very seriously and we work to make sure your information is safe with us. Because of this, we are transparent about why we ask for your (personal) information and what we do with it. While you visit our website and when you communicate with us, we collect information.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy, governs the information collected and processed only by Greenpeace Ukraine and will describe only Greenpeace Ukraine’s use of cookies and similar technologies when you visit our website. Different specific web properties (e.g. campaign sites) may use the same or have site-specific privacy and cookies policies.

Greenpeace and data privacy

Greenpeace Ukraine and the independent national/regional Greenpeace organisations in the Greenpeace network (together: “Greenpeace”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This privacy statement sets out the basis on which Greenpeace Ukraine will process any personal information that we may collect about you:

  1. as a visitor to the Greenpeace Ukraine website, 
  2. provided by you by making use of our website and the options on our website (e.g. in the event you would sign a petition, respond to any survey or make a donation), 
  3. subscribing to the receipt of updates by email, 
  4. contacting us for information or help, 
  5. providing your name and email on a list of signatures, 
  6. becoming a donor via other ways than the internet, 
  7. participating in Greenpeace campaigns or providing information through third party websites or apps.

We therefore ask you to read this privacy statement carefully.

The information that we collect about you

We may collect and process the following information about you:

The use of your information we collect

We may use your information for the following purposes:

We will only process your personal information in accordance with the purposes described above.

All our use of your personal data will be in accordance with the law. The law requires us to process data only if we have a valid legal basis for doing so. Agreement: we collect, process and store your information to perform agreements, such as the provision of a requested service

  1. Consent: when you have given consent to us for the collection, processing and storage of your personal information
  2. Legitimate interest: when it is necessary for us and does not invade your privacy
  3. Legal Obligation: when we need to comply with legal or regulatory obligations

We will inform you, to the extent applicable, when we request information about yourself, whether providing the requested information is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, or, on the other hand, if it is purely voluntary and there will be no implications if you decline to provide the information. If you are uncertain as to Greenpeace’s need for information that we request from you, please contact the Greenpeace representative asking for the information, or contact us (see below), with your query.

Disclosure and international transfer of your information

We do not sell or share your information for third-party marketing purposes. We may securely disclose personal information about you where we have obtained your consent or where it is reasonably necessary for the various purposes set out above:

These disclosures may involve transferring your personal information overseas. If you are dealing with us within the European Economic Area, you should be aware that this may include transfers to countries outside the European Economic Area, which do not have similarly strict data privacy laws. In those cases, where we transfer personal data to the independent Greenpeace NROs or our service providers, we will ensure that our arrangements with them are governed by data transfer agreements or mechanisms, designed to ensure that your personal information is protected (including, where appropriate, under an agreement on terms approved for this purpose by the European Commission). In all cases, we do not give those organisations any right to use your personal data for anything other than the purposes outlined above.

Please contact us (see below) if you would like to know whether any such agreements are in place or, if so, to see a copy.

Retention and deletion of your information

Greenpeace Ukraine welcomes receiving updates from your personal information to make sure it is accurate and up-to-date. We will delete the information that we hold about you when we no longer need it.

We will retain your information for as long as it is necessary, within the legal time limits for the relevant activity, after which it will be deleted or anonymised, unless we have a legal obligation to retain it for a longer period. Contact us for more information.

Security measures

We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the systems where personal data is stored against loss or against any form of unlawful processing. 

We employ industry-standard encryption protocols to ensure that Personally Identifiable Information (PII) are securely anonymized before storage or processing in our web analytics tools. This approach aligns with the GDPR’s principles of data minimization and privacy by design.

Our donation pages are secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.

In this way, we ensure that your data are only accessible by persons who are authorised to do so by virtue of their position and that the data are only used for the purposes for which they were obtained and compatible purposes.

Of course, we hope that nothing will ever go wrong, but if it does, we have a procedure on how to deal with a (potential) data breach. Should it concern your personal data we will notify you immediately.

Contact us

We welcome questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy statement and our processing of personal information.

Please email us on [email protected]

or contact us via:

Greenpeace International
Surinameplein 118
1058 GV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 7182000
Fax: +31 20 7182002

Changes to this policy

We may update this statement at any time to reflect any changes in data protection or other legislation. Any changes we make to this privacy statement in the future will be posted to our website and also available if you contact us as set out above.

Please check back frequently to see any changes.

Last updated: March 2024

Greenpeace Ukraine cookies policy

We want to ensure that you enjoy browsing our website. In order to enhance your experience and collect information about your use of our site, we place “cookies” onto your computer.

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises that cookie:

Cookies are useful because they:

By using our website you agree that, we can place the types of cookies set out below on your device,  unless you have set your computer’s browser to reject them, and use that data in accordance with this policy.

You can find more information about cookies at: and, for a video about cookies check

Types of cookies

There are four broad types of cookies:

  1. Necessary cookies: Cookies for functional purposes make logging in and navigating the website possible. Cookies are also used when you share a page via social media. Necessary cookies help make a website more usable, by enabling basic functions such as page navigation, access to secure areas of the website, and saving your preferences that affect behaviour and design of the website. Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly.
  2. Analytics and performance cookies: Our website also uses analytics cookies to measure and analyse the performance of this website. If you accept the placement of cookies, we will collect, among other things, information about your device and browser, geo-location (based on the IP address), the number of visitors to our web pages and how you arrived at our website (for example, because you clicked on one of our advertisements or on a link in an email). This also allows us to track, for example, how many visitors a particular page has.

    Greenpeace Ukraine uses Google Analytics, Mixpanel and Hotjar for analytics and performance purposes. Greenpeace Ukraine may place first-party cookies on the basis of legitimate interest for which no consent is required, because Greenpeace Ukraine has set up additional privacy-friendly safeguards for this purpose. Other third-party cookies may be placed on consent basis to this category of cookies.

    To this end, Greenpeace Ukrainehas signed a processing agreement with these parties, masking the collection of the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet.
  3. Advertising and marketing cookies: Marketing cookies make it possible to show you relevant pages based on your surfing behaviour. Your surfing behaviour on this website can also be used to show you relevant information about our products and services on third party websites. In addition, we use cookies to test different pages next to each other in order to optimise our website.

    The cookie is placed on your browser when you visit our website and is given a unique number. By recognizing that number, Greenpeace Ukraine can display appropriate information on the website where you are at that moment (can be anywhere on the Internet). The goal is to display ads that are tailored and relevant to the individual user. These ads thus become more valuable to publishers and third-party advertisers. For more information about cookies, please refer to the overviews below.

We also draw your attention to the following categories of cookies – first party cookies, third party cookies and persistent cookies:

Use of cookies

This table explains the cookies that may be placed on your machine while using this website. First party cookies will be placed automatically, unless your browser is set to refuse them. The remaining cookies will only be placed ​​if you grant consent to our privacy policy.

greenpeaceUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to track if you have accepted the use of cookies on our website or notThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateGreenpeaceFirst-party Cookie
no_trackUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to track if you have blocked the use of cookies on our website or notThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateGreenpeaceFirst-party Cookie
active_consent_choiceUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to track if you have accepted the use of cookies on our website or notThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateGreenpeaceFirst-party Cookie
user_idUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to track users across devices, domains and identify returning usersThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateGreenpeaceFirst-party Cookie
gp_nroUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to track the last Greenpeace website visitedThis cookie expires in 30 days from set/updateGreenpeaceFirst-party Cookie
wordpress_google_apps_loginUsed by Greenpeace Ukraine to store the logged in state of users who have an account in our websiteThis cookie expires when you close your browserWordPressFirst-party Cookie
_gaUsed by Google Analytics to distinguish usersThis cookie expires 2 years from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
_gidUsed by Google Analytics to distinguish usersThis cookie expires 24 hours from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
_gatUsed by Google Analytics to distinguish usersThis cookie expires 24 hours from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
_gcl_auThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to understand user interaction with the website.This cookie expires 7 days from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
_dc_gtm_*Used by Google Analytics (via Google Tag Manager) to throttle request rateThis cookie expires 1 minute from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
AMP_TOKENUsed by Google Analytics to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service.Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service.This cookie expires between 30 seconds and one year (depending on whether it is being used) from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
FPIDUsed by Google Analytics to set the Client ID in the request to Google’s serversThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
FPLCUsed by Google Analytics as a cross-domain linker cookie hashed from the FPID cookieThis cookie expires in 20 hours from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsFirst-party Cookie
test_cookieUsed by Google DoubleClick to check if cookies can be set.This cookie expires in 24 hours from set/updateGoogle, Google Tag Manager, Google AnalyticsThird-party Cookie
cf_clearanceUsed by Cloudflare to store proof of challenge passedThis cookie expires in 180 days from set/updateCloudflareFirst-party Cookie
CheckpointUsed by Facebook to authenticate your identity on Facebook or InstagramThis cookie expires when you close your browserFacebookThird-party Cookie
IpUsed by Facebook to authenticate your identity on Facebook or InstagramThis cookie expires when you close your browserFacebookThird-party Cookie
_fbpThis cookie is used by Facebook to deliver advertising. The cookie contains an encrypted Facebook user ID and browser ID. It will receive information from this website to better target and optimize advertising.This cookie expires in 7 days from set/updateFacebookFirst-party Cookie

Greenpeace Ukraine does not govern the publication of third-party cookies. Please visit the relevant third party’s website if you want to understand more about these cookies, such as Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube or Soundcloud.

If you do not want to use cookies, you can set your browser so that the storage of cookies is not accepted.

If you only want to accept our own cookies but not the cookies of our service providers and partners, select the “block third-party cookies” (or similar setting in your browser).

Change your cookies preferences

You can set your browser to notify you when a cookie is placed or to prevent the collection of cookies. You can also periodically delete the cookies stored on your computer. However, you will then not be able to use all the features of the site. In addition, you always have the option of deleting cookies from your hard drive.

Which cookies would you like to accept?

Please select which cookies you are willing to store:

Necessary Cookies (required)Always enabled

These cookies are required for technical reasons so that you can visit our website and use the functions we offer. These cookies are used to recognise you between successive visits and thus provide you with a better experience, storing your consent preferences and the last website visited.

Performance cookies

We use tracking and analysis tools to ensure continuous optimisation and demand-oriented design of our website. These cookies will allow us to collect statistical and anonymised data, such as how visitors use our website or which pages are accessed most frequently, to ultimately improve and provide you with a better experience of our website.

Marketing cookies

In addition to the Performance cookies mentioned above, we may also place in your browser cookies from third-party services (e.g. Facebook or Google) to track the effectiveness of our online marketing strategies and to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. These cookies may also be used to serve advertising to you after you have left our site (retargeting cookies).

A full list of cookies which may be placed in your browser is available above (see Types of Cookies) and some detail on how and why we process the information of these 3rd parties is available below.

By disabling (un-checking) all types of cookies above, we will set a unique cookie in your browser (“no_track”) to store your preferences – this will allow you a tracking-free experience on this website until you change your mind or clear your browser’s cookies.

If you want a comprehensive overview of all third-party accesses to your Internet browser, we recommend installing specially developed plug-ins such as Ghostery. Additionally, most web browsers allow some control over cookies through browser settings (e.g. notifications of new cookies, disabling cookies and deleting cookies).  Click your browser type below to go directly to the browser user guide to learn how to disable or erase cookies.

Blocking all cookies will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.

Use of Google Analytics

Greenpeace Ukraine uses Google Analytics to gather visitors’ use of our website and analyse the data to help us maintain and improve the design of our website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users’ computers.

Google Analytics cookies will only be applied when the “Analytics and performance” cookies consent is given. In case of no-consent, Google Analytics will still run and collect aggregated and anonymised data, it will not be able to track any user identification. Should you not be willing to get these cookies, please change your cookies settings above (‘change your cookies preferences’).

As mentioned before, Google Analytics cookies used in this website collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, browser ClientID (to identify returning users, for example), where visitors come to the site from and the pages they visited. Here’s more information on Google Analytics privacy:

As of May 2018, Google Analytics introduced the Data Retention controls, giving organisations the ability to set the amount of time before user-level and event-level data stored by Google Analytics is automatically deleted from Analytics’ servers.

Such retention period applies to user-level and event-level data associated with cookies, user-identifiers (e.g. User-ID) and advertising identifiers (not applicable in Greenpeace websites anyway). For Greenpeace Ukraine , the Data Retention control for Google Analytics is set to 26 months. Once again, Analytics will not collect the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet. You can request Google to provide an extraction of your data related to Greenpeace Ukraine website. 

Besides, it is important to mention that Google stores websites traffic information which have Google Analytics tracking code. Check Google’s privacy policy and how to opt-out of Google Analytics cookies

You can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to prevent information about your visits to our website being sent to Google Analytics.

Use of social networks sharing buttons and widgets

Beside the customised HTML buttons we installed to allow you to share Greenpeace Ukraine content on Facebook and X, we may embed widgets from Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud and other social media on our website to provide an enhanced experience.

These social networking widgets come from web servers which may track your behaviour on our website and may combine this with other information about you originating from other websites. You can install a browser add-ons like Privacy Badger for Chrome or Disconnect for Chrome and Firefox to control some (the first) or disable them (the second).

Contact us

This website is owned and operated by Greenpeace Ukraine. If you have any questions about our cookies or this cookies policy, please contact the website administrator at [email protected]

Last updated: March 2024