BEIJING 10/15/2021 — The COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) concluded today in Kunming, China, after a week of virtual meetings. Ending the first round of negotiations that aim to establish multilateral commitments to end catastrophic biodiversity loss, governments attending the CBD meetings put forward the “Kunming Declaration,” which can be read here

An Lambrechts, Senior Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace International, said:

“Our natural planet is dying before our eyes, and with it goes our future. The Kunming Declaration is a toothless tiger, it simply doesn’t deliver the sharp ambitious framework needed to safeguard nature. As long as government’s commitments remain vague and lack accountability, we won’t see the level of action needed to halt and reverse the massive loss of biodiversity and the rapid and alarming deterioration of the Earth’s ecosystems. We are part of nature, so to protect nature is to protect ourselves.”

Irene Wabiwa, Greenpeace Africa’s International Project Leader for the Congo Basin forest said:

“As parties gear up for part II of COP15, the protection of at least 30 percent of land and oceans by 2030 should be prioritized together with ditching failed conservation models of the past. Key to the successful protection of land is a global recognition of customary land and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. That is the only moral and democratic path to ensuring terrestrial ecosystems are guarded in the 21st century.”

Li Shuo, Global Policy Advisor, Greenpeace East Asia, said:

“The Kunming Declaration gives us a hint on China’s leadership style. The declaration made a reference to the 30*30 target, but did not indicate if Beijing is on board with it or not. That’s a balancing act to recognize the growing momentum behind this goal while not prejudicing the multilateral process. Beijing should make up its mind soon if it wants to lead from the front.”

Substantive negotiations on the CBD will continue in April-May next year, in Kunming, China.


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Greenpeace Campaigner in the Democratic Republic of Congo. © Kevin McElvaney / Greenpeace