20 April 2020, Dakar Greenpeace Africa welcomes the implementation of Senegal’s ban on plastic water sachets as a step in the right direction to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. 

“It’s encouraging that despite the current Covid-19 pandemic, progress to reduce single-use plastics is being made here in Senegal, notwithstanding the notable limitation in terms of the  full implementation of the ban as stated on Saturday (April 18) by the Environment and Sustainable Development minister. The ban on single-use plastics – inspires us to reimagine our cities, communities and oceans plastic-free. For that, the government should work with manufacturers and retailers to create sustainable alternatives to phase out single use plastics”, said Awa Traoré, Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace Africa.

Greenpeace Africa campaigns in Senegal against single-use plastics, recalling the need to extend the implementation of the 2015 law against small plastic bags, until a complete ban on single-use plastics is achieved. Following February’s decision of  Senegal’s Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Abdou Karim Sall to ban water sachets and single use plastic cups and which will be partially applied from April 20th, 15 Ministers for Environmental Protection from ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) have also agreed to ban the import, production and marketing of plastic packaging in the region by 2025. 


Greenpeace Africa Newsdesk: [email protected]

Plastic Clean Up and Brand Audit Activity in Africa.