38 results for 'annual report'

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  • Greenpeace inflates a hot air balloon outside Oslo City Hall, where US President Barack Obama will receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Greenpeace activists urge him to show strong leadership when he attends the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen the following week.

    Your support allows us to act quickly and independently. Find out more from our annual regional reports and auditor's reports.

  • Donation frequently asked questions

    Every question relating to donation and fundraising are answered here.

  • Why Donate

    Our campaigns are 100% independently funded by supporters just like you so we can remain fiercely independent. We don’t accept funding from corporations, political parties or governments and remain free…

  • Filmmaker Fábio Erdos holds a banner next to the Arctic Sunrise in the Pacific Ocean, between Galápagos and Ecuador.

The Arctic Sunrise is on a six-week expedition around the Galápagos Islands, with scientists from the Jocotoco Conservation Foundation, the Charles Darwin Foundation, the Galápagos Science Center, MigraMar and Galápagos park rangers.  The expedition will showcase the power of marine protection by documenting the success of the Galápagos Marine Reserve through the incredible wildlife and habitats of the sea near the Galápagos. Data collected during the expedition will help to make the case for a new high seas protected area.

    At Greenpeace, Our work is based on a number of principles. They are reflected in all our campaigns, and they guide whatever we do, wherever we do it.

  • Donation frequently asked questions

    Every question relating to donation and fundraising are answered here.