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My career journey with Greenpeace
I realized that by fundraising and talking to people about Greenpeace Indonesia campaigns, I could also be part of the planet-saving community.
Job Opening: Multimedia Storyteller
Do you have the skills and passion to help shape a green and safer world? Apply now!
Land rights evidence presented in fight to save West Papuan Forests from palm oil
The files prove that the Provincial Government of Papua made a mistake in issuing an environmental permit for PT Indo Asiana Lestari which did not heed the rights of Indigenous peoples and the threat of the current climate crisis, said Tigor Gemdita Hutapea, a member of the legal team.
Job opening: Insights Support Analyst
The Insights Support Analyst conducts support and analyst duties to reinforce Regional Greenpeace offices to succeed in their use of advanced data tolls, business intelligence and reporting products. Part advisor, trainer, mentor and doer, this role holds relationships with practitioners across many countries with the goal of facilitating their success with data.
Job Opening: Regional Insights Coordinator
You will provide support and partnership to the Regional Insights Manager in ensuring that the organization creates meaningful impact, stay resilient and build movements for the environment.
Job Opening: Senior Climate Justice Campaigner
Greenpeace Southeast Asia is looking for a Senior Climate Justice Campaigner who will lead the effective implementation of the Climate Justice (CJ) work in the Philippines.
Annual Report 2016
2016 was just the beginning. People are rising up.
Women will change the world, for all our sakes and our planet
When thousands of women come together to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March - either on the streets or at home or in the workplace - they will do so as part of a growing and very powerful force, one that knows that positive change can happen if we fight for it. And we…
The Next Ten Years
Ten years have passed since Greenpeace made the decision to set up a formal presence in Southeast Asia. What are the changes Greenpeace envisions for Southeast Asia in the next ten years?