Over 125 health experts worldwide confirmed that reusables are safe if proper hygiene practices are followed.

Many of our favourite restaurants are overrun with single-use plastics. The drinks come with plastic straws, the food comes with plastic cutlery, and our leftovers are placed in styrofoam boxes (and these boxes are put in plastic bags!).

We can change this. We can celebrate restaurants that prioritise the health of both people and the planet. Take the reusable container challenge and join the movement that is already changing the way we eat! Let’s make reusable the new normal!

The Reusable Container Challenge:

  1. Next time you eat out, bring your own container. This could mean bringing a travel mug to the cafe where you get your morning coffee, or bringing tupperware or a Bento box to a restaurant when you expect leftovers. There’s no need to feel nervous—some places already give discounts to customers who come prepared!
  2. Many businesses will happily allow you to use your own container, but some might not.* For those that do, take a photo of the container showing that it’s been filled.
  3. Share the photo on social media, tag the establishment, tag Greenpeace, and celebrate using the hashtags #ReuseRevolution and #BreakFreeFromPlastic.

*Is the restaurant or cafe using fear of COVID-19 transmission as the reason not to use reusables? You can help! Share this statement and reassure them that reusables can be used safely by employing basic hygiene. The best way to solve the plastic pollution crisis is to implement systems that protect the health of both people and the planet—we do not need to choose between the two.

       If a business filled your containers, thank them!

Some resources that will help you get better informed: 

  Learn more about plastic pollution

  Learn the difference between real solutions and false ones

  Join the Greenpeace Africa Facebook Page and share your experience

Plastic Clean Up and Brand Audit Activity in Africa.