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A future filled with prosperity doesn’t have to damage the planet
Prosperity must be for all, not only for a select few. And for us to flourish, we must address the climate crisis.
Spaceship Earth: the board game where you model climate action
Rather than focusing on facts or data points, the game takes on the systematic issues behind climate change, modeling systems-based, multi-stakeholder responses to shared issues that are felt unevenly by different members of Spaceship Earth’s population.
Partnership for the planet: Greenpeace East Asia & Greenpeace Japan join forces
If the Covid crisis has taught us anything, it’s taught us that we are stronger together. That’s why Greenpeace East Asia (GPEA) and Greenpeace Japan (GPJ) will be joining forces, while keeping their original legal statuses, on 1 January 2021. Our common location and common purpose add up to a synergy that can focus our…
“Change can come from all of us” – Greenpeace China’s new chief representative speaks about her commitment to environmental protection and the journey ahead
The past decade has been one of the most important for our environment. From apocalyptic air pollution, to a new era of climate and environmental ambition, China is on a…
What can we learn when two Greenpeace bosses get together?
It was back in 1997 when Greenpeace first opened its Hong Kong office. Last year, we celebrated 20 years of tough but rewarding campaigns in Hong Kong and across East Asia with YOU by our side. Anne Dingwall, our very first Executive Director, recently visited us and sat down with our current Executive Director, Sze…
From flip flops to superman – 20 years of golden Greenpeace memories
In our 20 years, some amazing staff have worked with us here at Greenpeace Hong Kong for some equally amazing environmental campaigns. Some are still with us, others have moved on, but we all still feel like one family. We caught up with a few Greenpeacers – past and present– and asked them to share…
From solar kitchens to ozone-saving fridges, 7 moments from Greenpeace in 1997
We set up the Greenpeace Hong Kong office 20 years ago this year. Especially for you, we’ve chosen seven Greenpeace moments from that year. Let’s see how many battles we won (and we certainly did win battles!) and how many we are still fighting (and going to win!) with you by our side.
Our promise to supporters
We want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protection.
Three stories: how we are making history with you
Did you know that with you by our side we are never afraid? Some of the environmental challenges we have faced have been so immense we could have lost our resolve. But you give us the resources, the determination and the courage to win. And win is what we did! We'd like to share with…
Greenpeace response to the Chinese government’s MEP press conference
Beijing, 11 March, 2016 – In today’s Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) press conference, Minister Chen Jining expressed an encouraging outlook and laid out a comprehensive range of targets for the MEP. Greenpeace welcomes this vision, but urges the government to strengthen supervision of policy and to further promote public participation as a key part…