Contact the European Unit

For media requests, contact our press team.
To contact a member of our team directly, check our staff page.
If your request is not related to to the European Union, please contact the relevant Greenpeace office.
The Greenpeace European Unit (Belgian asbl/vzw) is based in Brussels:
Belliardstraat 199 Rue Belliard
1040 Brussels,
Belgian non-profit registration number: BE0457563648
EU transparency register: 9832909575-41
RPM Bruxelles/RPR Brussel
For general (non-media) enquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 (0)2 274 1900
Fax (yes, really): +32 (0) 2 274 1910
Visitors: we are again able to host visitor groups in our office up to a maximum of 20 people. Please fill in this form and send it to [email protected]
Note: Greenpeace European Unit is not a coordinating office for Greenpeace in Europe. For membership queries or questions relating to the regional or global environment, please contact the Greenpeace office in your country or Greenpeace International.