Crunch talks on EU common agricultural policy to finish next week
Brussels – The European Commission, European Parliament and national governments are in the final stages of negotiations on the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) for the years 2023-2027. After seven months of talks, an agreement is expected next week at a meeting between representatives of the three EU institutions, scheduled for 25-26 May.
Although the deal will need to be rubber-stamped by the European Parliament and representatives of the EU’s national governments, the content will be finalised in these crunch talks.
EU leaders will likely trumpet this CAP deal as a win for the climate and the environment. However, Greenpeace, BirdLife, ClientEarth and the European Environmental Bureau have analysed the deal on the table, and found that it doesn’t match up to what’s needed on climate, biodiversity, pollution, food security and accountability.
Read the full analysis of the EU’s common agricultural policy here.
Marco Contiero – Greenpeace EU agriculture policy director: +32 (0)477 77 70 34, [email protected]
Harriet Bradley – BirdLife Europe Senior Agriculture & Land Use Policy Officer: +32 (0)478 88 73 02 [email protected]
Lara Fornabaio – ClientEarth Legal expert/Juriste, Agriculture Project Lead: +32 (0)493 46 02 77, [email protected]
Celia Nyssens – European Environmental Bureau Policy Officer for Agriculture: +32 (0)492 58 50 35, [email protected]
Greenpeace EU press desk: +32 (0)2 274 19 11, [email protected]
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