Something big is coming… all the way from the Arctic to the blue shores of South Africa. An adventure from the north pole to the south pole – a quest to protect the ocean.

Greenpeace launched the Pole to Pole adventure earlier this year, to convince governments and the United Nations (UN) to secure a robust ocean treaty to protect 30% of our precious oceans. Over the last few months we have been collecting stories of hope, joy and defiance from around the world. We are in Cape Town to collect and share more of these stories, and for us to work together to defend the oceans for all future generations.

Our ship, the Esperanza, docked in Cape Town.


On this campaign, we’re sailing from the Arctic to the Antarctic, stopping along the way to do research that will help us understand the complexity of the massive amounts of water that surrounds us. This voyage aims to create awareness around the importance of the oceans and why we need to protect them

The Pole to Pole journey will stretch from the Arctic to the Antarctic, stopping for research and to document ocean stories along the way.


Get ready, Cape Town!

One of the places that we will visit, is Cape Town. During the month of October, the imposing Arctic Sunrise, a boat with a compelling history of activism and rebellion, will be catching her breath in the Cape Town Waterfront, after sailing all the way from Senegal.

It’s going to be a fun-filled October at the V&A Waterfront! 


You will be able to take a guided tour on 19 and 20 October, and experience what life on board is like for our activists. On the dock, we have a number of activities planned to wow and entertain the crowds. Some of the goodies include a creative exhibition of artivism – with creations that will take your breath away! 

Fun activities for you and your family.


The art will be given life in different forms – from exhibitions at the Waterfront to graffiti and wall murals all over the city.

There will be fun, interactive games for the whole family, and interesting activities for kids. Our various partners will also have exhibition stands where you can learn more about the great work they do to protect our planet.

Thuleka Zuma, Third Mate.
As the third mate, Thuleka is in charge of safety equipment onboard, as crew and staff join the ship it’s her job to familiarize new staff and crew with the ships safety procedures. Thuleka also does navigational watches when the ship is at sea.


Learn more about the oceans in a fun, family-friendly way.

Date Opening Times Venue
Saturday 19 October 9:00 – 15:00 V&A Waterfront, Jetty 2 (in front of the Table Bay Hotel)
Sunday 20 October 9:00 – 15:00 V&A Waterfront, Jetty 2 (in front of the Table Bay Hotel)

The iconic Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior, is docked in Cape Town. The public are invited to visit the ship and are given a tour by crew members. Captain Mike Fincken (centre back). A couple who won the bidding for the RW flag are also pictured – Mr and Mrs Martin Myers.

No, not THAT mountain…

The mountain of Mount Vema is, in fact, a seamount. You can imagine it like an underwater mountain. Seamounts were created by volcanic activity and are biodiversity hotspots, which means many animals and plants rely on it for food and shelter. Our adventurers will be doing research about the different species to be found at Mount Vema, as well as the threats they face. 

A ghost net found drifting through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Many fish were attracted to this net including chubs and jacks.
The crew of the Greenpeace ship MY Arctic Sunrise voyage into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch document plastics and other marine debris. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a soupy mix of plastics and microplastics, now twice the size of Texas, in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean.

Ghost nets are a threat as evil as plastic and destructive as overfishing, and it is especially dangerous to the marine life around Mount Vema. Ghost nets are the remains of fishing nets that have been recklessly cut off from ships and left to sink into the deep ocean waters, where it traps and strangles unsuspecting marine life.

The crew of the Arctic Sunrise display a banner to send a thank you message to the two million supporters who have now signed the petition to protect the Arctic (
The Arctic Sunrise is on a month-long expedition in the icy Arctic. Greenpeace is campaigning for a global sanctuary to be declared around the uninhabited area of the North Pole.

The terrible truth about these threats, is that they were all made by humans. But within that truth there is also hope. We started this, yes, but – and this is the best part – we can change it.

Change starts with one small act – visit the impressive Arctic Sunrise and sign the petition that Greenpeace has started to demand a strong Global Ocean Treaty and ocean sanctuaries for our vulnerable marine life.

See you there, for reminders click here to join the Facebook event

Marine Wildlife at Vema Seamount. © Richard Barnden / Greenpeace