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Greenpeace and Secret Sunrise Dance Into #PlasticFreeSeptember
Greenpeace Africa is collaborating with Secret Sunrise to sensitise people on the impact of plastic pollution through a language cutting across all boundaries: Dance!
They spilled oil all over my home. This is what I have to say
Our beautiful island is known for its gorgeous turquoise blue sea with silky sand beaches, beautiful mountains, waterfalls, rainforests, and even the wildlife.give my life for my pets. And…
Greenpeace Africa Welcomes Mozambique’s Plan to Ban Plastic Bags
Mozambican Minister of Land and Environment Ivete Maibasse has announced plans to submit a law aiming to ban the use of plastic bags in the country as an effort to reduce harmful practices to public health, infrastructures and the environment
Toxins in Our Food: Our Ask For a Ban on Toxic Pesticides
What does toxic pesticides in the food mean for Kenyans? Asks Greenpeace Africa Campaigner Claire Nasike
Recycling is a “false solution” to plastic pollution
Greenpeace Africa Plastic Campaigner Amos Wemanya explains why recycling is a “false solution” to Africa’s plastic pollution crisis
HOW TO GUIDE 5: Seed sovereignty and saving
Seeds are the first link in the food chain and the repository of life’s future evolution. As such, it is our inherent duty and responsibility to protect them and to pass them on to future generations.
Health & the Reuse Revolution: How governments and corporations can think beyond plastic to a green and just future
Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen local and global governments, mobilise resources and public funds to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been encouraging to see the pace at which…
Many of our favourite restaurants are overrun with single-use plastics. The drinks come with plastic straws, the food comes with plastic cutlery, and our leftovers are placed in styrofoam boxes…
HOW TO GUIDE 4: Water conservation
This how-to guide deals with methods to increase the amount of water stored in the soil profile by trapping or holding rain where it falls, or where there is some small movement as surface run-off.
HOW TO GUIDE 3: Managing Weeds, Pest, & Diseases
This how to guide on pests, diseases and weed management will enable you to