28 October, Johannesburg — Greenpeace Africa is relieved that the 25 preferred bidders for Bid window 5 were comprised of off-shore wind and solar PV projects, to aid in the diversification of our coal-addicted energy mix. These bidders will create a total of 13 000 job opportunities and set South Africa on course to its climate commitments in line with the Paris Agreement. 

In response, Greenpeace Africa Climate and Energy Campaigner Thandile Chinyavanhu said:

The announcement comes on the eve of the COP26 meeting, where nations are racing to share positive advancements on the climate action front. It is worth noting that South Africa has not even begun to tap into its renewable energy potential. The renewable energy components of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) alone will contribute a reduction in emission of 84 Mt CO2 equivalent per annum.

Greenpeace Africa calls on Minister Mantashe to revisit the IRP to further exploit its renewable energy potential and move up the timeline for the decommissioning of coal fired power stations. This is an opportunity for South Africa to play its role in averting the current climate crisis.

Minister Mantashe did not expressly exclude the inclusion of Karpowership for future bid windows. Greenpeace Africa is hopeful the DMRE will cease trying to salvage the wreckage that is Karpowership and commit to the solution – the renewable energy revolution. It is time for South Africa to let go of any lingering fossil fuel fantasies. Minister Manatashe needs to recognise the immediate solution to our energy needs and climate action goals is renewable energy.


Contact details

Greenpeace Africa Press Desk: [email protected] 

Chris Vlavianos,
Greenpeace Africa Communications Officer,
+2779 883 7036, [email protected]

International Convention Center Occupation. © Shayne Robinson