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  • Anadarko face largest ever clean-up bill in the US, plan to resume oil exploration in NZ next year

    Anadarko Petroleum face a clean-up bill of US$5.15 Billion, the largest-ever environmental cleanup bill in the United States.

    Maya McNicoll 1 min read
  • 7 solar wonders of the world

    Solar energy is clean, reliable, abundant and an affordable alternative to fossil fuels - but not only that, solar is also cool. Check out our selection of the most amazing solar plants from all around the globe.

    Paula Tejón Carbajal and Helena Meresman 2 min read
  • Shell oil cowboys caught drilling illegally in New Zealand

    “There be trouble in town sheriff, some cowboys is coming into town”. It could be a line from a grainy old western from our childhood (well, mine anyway) when the good, clean living people of a well to do town see trouble on a dusty horizon. It’s when the street talk stops, shutters shut and…

    Nathan Argent 1 min read
  • The Berlin Wall of oil begins to crumble

    The Berlin wall was a symbol of the Soviet era like no other.  When it was finally dismantled in 1989 it signalled the end of a system that had stood for nearly 70 years.  A system that shaped the political landscape of the 20th century symbolising a lack of freedom and a source of fear.    

    Steve Abel 3 min read
  • A week of protest against deep sea oil

    It’s been a big week! On Tuesday over 1,000 people marched up Queen Street and, in one clear voice, we said Stop Deep Sea Oil!

    Maya McNicoll 1 min read
  • March to Stop Deep Sea Oil and Stop Statoil

    There have been amazing and moving scenes in Northland as the Waiho Papa Moana Hikoi made its way down from Cape Reinga to stand up for their coast, their way of life and for future generations. And they are not alone. They’ve been joined along the way by people from the East Cape and Kaikoura…

    Nick Young 1 min read
  • Auckland march to #StopDeepSeaOil

    As New Zealand elected John Key's National Government for a third term, the world witnessed the largest climate protest in history. More than 600,000 people made the call for a clean energy future in the 'People's Climate March'. Climate Voter clocked in at more than 62,000 and showed that there is a strong desire in…

    Nick Young 1 min read
  • ‘At the end of the day’ #Decision14

    Decision 2014 is over. When the dust settles on the craziest election campaign in recent memory, what will we say about this wild ride? We’ll say that 1 million people voted for John Key. And we’ll say that 1 million people didn’t vote at all. Everything else, it turned out, was a side show.Monday night…

    Maya McNicoll 1 min read
  • On the cusp

    “We’re on the cusp of something special,” said one of the men on the TV. It’s mysterious. It’s alluring. It leaves just enough to the imagination. Actually, it leaves everything to the imagination. John Key’s repeated election promise during the third leader’s debate on Wednesday night suggests a rosy future, a new era of prosperity…

    Rosalind Atkinson 3 min read
  • Seismic testing stopped in Norway but coming soon to Northland

    Seismic testing for oil in the Arctic Barents Sea, commissioned by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has been stopped one month ahead of schedule 4 days after Greenpeace exposed it to…

    Mike Smith 3 min read