Take action today

To change the world, it’s going to take all of us having the courage to stand up for what we know is right. Begin that journey today.

More than 200 people descended on New Zealand’s largest oil industry conference in Auckland and blocked its entrances as part of a Greenpeace-organised demonstration of peaceful civil disobedience. It‘s the first time in New Zealand that Greenpeace has invited the general public to get involved in a civil disobedience action en masse.

Free nitrate testing

Everyone should be able to trust that the water from their tap is safe to drink.

We’re offering free, mail-in water testing so you can check your water for nitrate contamination linked to bowel cancer and preterm birth and caused by synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and too many cows.

An image from Greenpeace's nitrate map, showing the levels of nitrate contamination across Aotearoa's water supply