All articles by Julie Amira Byrnes
7 tips to avoid getting too many gifts for children
Looking for ways to close the tap on the steady stream of new gifts for kids? With the holidays around the corner, we're sharing a few tips for a more circular Holiday.
Misogyny, a weapon for climate deniers?
When I first saw the story of an oil & energy company printing a sticker sexualizing a teenager — also known as Greta, the climate activist — I tried to…
4 reasons Canada needs a wealth tax to recover from COVID-19
While millions of Canadians continue to struggle due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic — with low-wage workers hit the hardest — the 20 wealthiest Canadians collectively got richer since the pandemic began. Here's why a wealth tax is a key component for Canada's economic recovery.
Make the rich pay… The much needed wealth tax on multimillionaires.
When looking at the numbers and at the world around us, can we afford not to take immediate and urgent action to combat income inequality?