We wish to create a wide network of protected areas that would function as a „green heart” of Romania, reformed current forestry practices by implementing a management system based on sustainable development practices. This would guarantee that the forests are evolving harmoniously, timber is locally processed and forest products are responsibly used, from wood, berries to fresh, potable water.
This document will be presented to the responsible authorities and it will represent the starting base and the common point for developing current forestry policies. Everybody is invited to support this vision by signing the pledge on www.greenpeace.ro.
„We need the support of as many people as possible, so that this vision becomes reality. Only together we can accomplish what we set out to do: to have more, richer and healthier forests, with more biodiversity than we have now. Each of us has his or her own forest story; forest means timber, of course, but even more than that: clean water and air, home to a multitude of species, enjoyment, and a universal beauty model that everybody adheres to,” said Valentin Salageanu, forest campaigner at Greenpeace Romania.
„There are thousands of people that, over the years, have reported illegal logging cases, have taken this cause to the streets, have and are volunteering so that also the future generations can enjoy the valuable and unique forests of Romania. We wish that this community grows and supports a set of practical measures, that can be applied on a long term,” said Marina Barbalata, Greenpeace Romania’s Executive Director.
Romanian forests are threatened by illegal logging and by faulty administration, made in the absence of a national development strategy. Official records show that each year, 8.8 milion cubic meters of timber are vanishing from Romania’s forests, and Greenpeace research shows that only 0.5 milion cubic meters are investigated by the authorities and, between 2000 and 2014 over 360 000 hectares of forests have been degraded.
„This alarming data shows that faulty administration and corruption have affected the interests of the entire Romanian society – on one hand, by not using the forest in the most effective way, on the other hand, by destroying a priceless natural patrimony. Therefore we are stating that the forests in Romania have to be protected, managed sustainably, developed and perpetuated, in order to maintain and better the sum of services that they are offering,” adds Valentin Salageanu, forest campaigner at Greenpeace Romania.
Since 2012 Greenpeace Romania has been campaigning in order to build a future for the forests in our country. Romania still has the largest areas covered with wild and virgin forests in Europe, the largest bear population, rare and endemic species and large carnivores such as the wolf and lynx. Greenpeace Romania has campaigned to introduce virgin beech forests in the UNESCO world patrimony, so that a modern and efficient legislation is adopted, in order to better the Forest Radar, and increase its transparency. The organisation has asked and continues to ask for a performing administration and a real protection for the protected areas, so that these can become a `green heart` of Romania.
The Greenpeace vision for the future of Romania’s forests is reuniting all the principles that found the basis of our actions and consolidate all the efforts done until now. It has to represent a consensus point and to gather around it supporters that can make this change possible.