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Netting Profits, Risking Lives: The Unresolved Human and Environmental Exploitation at Sea
Forced labor and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing indications continue to be pervasive in Taiwanese distant water fishing. Recruitment agencies reportedly benefit financially by exploiting migrant fishers. This investigation…
Report: Indonesia’s Chronic Forest Fires – 2023
Greenpeace Indonesia's latest analysis shows that the indicative area of forest and land fires in 2023 was 2.13 million hectares. This figure is almost twice the size of the government’s data.
The False Prosperity of Extractive Sector
The mining sector has become one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy. It contributes to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and job creation. However, these economic gains are overshadowed by…
People Vs Plastic
The results of this survey demonstrate that there is overwhelming public support for the Global Plastics Treaty to cut plastic production, end single-use plastics and advance reuse-based solutions.
Who’s Enjoying the Profits? Indonesian Corporations Feigning Transparency
In our new report ‘Feigning Transparency' we find there are loopholes in Indonesia's new beneficial ownership transparency policy, allowing corporations to legitimately continue to conceal where profits are flowing to.
Deforestation: Playing With Fire | An analysis of Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 policy
Greenpeace Indonesia's analysis of the FOLU Net Sink 2030 policy found that this policy could backfire on the effort to ensure the survival of the nation’s forests. Instead of absorbing emissions, the FOLU Net Sink 2030 strategy risks perpetuating deforestation and the destruction of natural forests.
Roadmap For Recommendations For the Ratification of Work in Fishing Convention, 2007
In June 2007, the International Labour Organization (ILO) created the Work in Fishing Convention (No. 188). The ILO C-188 was aimed at ensuring decent working conditions for fishers aboard fishing…
Generation Climate Action: 2022 Greenpeace Southeast Asia Annual Report
This annual report is more than a ledger of deeds; it is a chronicle of Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s unyielding voyage to safeguard the Earth’s most life-rich realms.
The Burden of Air Pollution in Thailand 2021 Report
PM2.5 air pollution was behind approximately 29,000 deaths in Thailand in 2021, according to a Greenpeace Southeast Asia analysis of IQAir data.
What Lies Beyond The Horizon: 2020-21 Greenpeace Southeast Asia Annual Report
2020 and 2021 will go down in history as the time when humanity was forced to take a really stark look into itself, as our actions and decisions through the…