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Your guide to the Art of Slow Living
The demands of our fast-paced modern world have led to a the philosophy of slow living. It’s a lifestyle that encourages us to pause instead of hustle and to be more conscious and intentional with our actions.
2023 in Review
In 2023, the region's alarming air pollution levels were a main concern. It has prompted citizens and like-minded NGOs to come together and hold government agencies and big businesses accountable.
COP28: A signal to the fossil fuel industry
COP28 agrees to a just transition away from fossil fuels but undermines the urgency of the crisis.
Reflections from the Climate Justice Walk
While they may have different reasons for undertaking such a physical and mental journey, the Climate Walkers were all united in their desire to take action for people and the planet.
‘Real Beauty, Real Harm’: 3 ugly truths behind Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’
Dove’s chief execs will tell you they care about women and girls. They’re spending millions on ‘Real Beauty’ campaigns to convince you that their brand is a force for good. But behind their public image lies a true story of real harm.
The Climate Justice Walk 2023’s First 500 Kilometers
Walking and biking whatever the weather, the team has covered a distance of more than 500 kilometers, passing through historic towns and climate-impacted communities in Laguna, Quezon, Camarines Sur, Albay, and Sorsogon.
“We were born by the sea and want to die by the sea”: Meet the “aunties” who are leading Thailand’s fishing communities
“I’m still fishing even after I’m married. Even when I was eight-months pregnant, I was still getting the boat ready for the fishing trip!”
Melissa Tan’s Zero-Waste Journey
After a glamorous fashion career that saw her in many magazine spreads and billboards, these days Melissa lends her face and voice to advocate for environmental and social causes.
Fashioning a sustainable future
Fast fashion, the darling of the high street, is turning out to be a faux pas. While it democratizes fashion, it also weaves a problem that is comparable to oil and gas in terms of global pollution: the waste that it generates.
Why coastal clean-ups are not enough
After you clean today, new trash awaits tomorrow. It’s futile work and highlights how plastic pollution is more than a waste management problem.