April 16, 2019 (TORONTO) – According to Canada’s submission to the United Nations (2019 National Inventory Report 1990-2017), Canada’s 2017 national emissions increased by 8 MT bringing it up to a total of 716 MT. Oil sands emissions also increased by 8 MT. The 81 MT from bitumen extraction and processing is now greater than total provincial emissions of Quebec, British-Columbia or Manitoba. Keith Stewart, senior energy strategist with Greenpeace Canada, explains:

“All around the world people are calling for action on the climate crisis and yet new data shows that Canadian emissions of heat-trapping pollution went up by 8 MT in 2017. Increases in emissions from the tar sands are undoing all the progress being made in other sectors, such that greenhouse gas emissions from the tar sands alone are now larger than the emissions of Quebec, British-Columbia or Saskatchewan. If we are serious about protecting communities from climate-fueled floods, wildfires and other extreme weather, the last thing Canada should be doing is building new pipelines to expand oil production and exports. Either we act like this truly is a crisis that threatens our health and survival, or we sleepwalk towards disaster. It’s as simple as that and our politicians are currently choosing the second option.”

The oil and gas sectors upstream emissions alone make up for the largest source now contributing to  27% of national emissions – 24% of which are due to transportation. In fact, the oil sands emissions alone are now greater than all provinces, with the exception of Ontario and Alberta. Reductions achieved in  eastern Canada are being offset by the increase in oil and gas emissions in Alberta and Saskatchewan.


For more information, please contact:

Loujain Kurdi, Greenpeace Canada, Communications Officer, [email protected], +1 (514) 577-6657.