We will only see real change when companies like Nestlé, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo, which profit from single-use models, end their expanding plastic use and invest heavily in systems that prioritize reuse.
A Greenpeace USA report, Throwing Away the Future: How Companies Still Have it Wrong on Plastic Pollution “Solutions”, warns against the so-called solutions announced by multinationals to deal with the plastic pollution crisis. These false solutions, including the transition to bioplastics, paper, 100% recyclable packaging, incineration and chemical recycling, risk aggravating this environmental crisis, without questioning the disposable culture, and while diverting attention from the real solutions that should rather favour reuse.
This is an excellent way for people to avoid the plastic pollution. We will use the suggestions when we shop. Thank you.
Great! Tell us how it goes!
We as consumers can bring the irresponsible companies to shame and make a future for responsible users possible. Refusing to utilize their products is absolutely necessary. Our health and future are compromised . The writing on the wall! Om Sairam, Hope, Canada
The letter to the manager is too long. They're going to say, "Hey, I don't have time to read this!" It should be short and sweet, as follows: "In view of the danger to our planet and our animals, we should be using our old bags every time we come to the store, and saving them to reuse next time we come. This is what I'm doing."
Feel free to adjust it for your own use!