New animated short film brings the story of rainforest destruction to new audiences
“There’s a monster in my kitchen and I don’t know what to do…”
There’s a Monster in my Kitchen is an animated short film that tells the story of a young boy who learns of the heartbreaking reality of rampant deforestation in places like the Amazon from Jag-wah the jaguar. With Jag-wah, the young boy explores how the industrially produced meat is fueling the clearance of precious forests and vows to mobilise people to fight the monsters.
Across Brazil, an area almost the size of the UK burned in 2020.[1] This was no accident. The fires were intentionally lit to clear land primarily for beef and animal feed crops. This destruction is catastrophic for Indigenous Peoples struggling to protect their lands – and is pushing forest wildlife like jaguars to the brink.[2]
But instead of speaking out against Amazon destruction, the Canadian government is preparing to reward it. If passed, the Canada-Mercosur free trade deal could exponentially increase meat imports from Brazil – and vindicate the Brazilian government’s ongoing roll-backs on the environment and human rights.[3]
We can’t let that happen.
There’s a Monster in My Kitchen is a powerful new film that can help to sound the alarm on the causes of Amazon destruction – and inspire more people to take action.
The animation was made by creative agency Mother and produced by four time Oscar nominated studio Cartoon Saloon. It is the sequel to the viral hit Rang Tan and features the voice of Golden Globe nominated Narcos star Wagner Moura.
“Oh Jag-wah in our kitchen, now we do know what to do / We’ll stop these deadly monsters so our planet can renew.”
P.S. Don’t forget to sign the petition, too!
- According to data from INPE, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research
- Mongabay, Sept 2020, ‘For the Pantanal’s jaguars, fires bring ‘death by a thousand needle wounds’’
- Mia Rabson, Sept 2020, ‘Feds pushed to abandon trade talks with Brazil over Amazon deforestation from fires’

Fires are threatening the largest rainforest on Earth, clearing land for cattle to feed the international demand for cheap beef. Tell the Canadian government to not be complicit in Amazon destruction!
Take action
no more burning our forest for land
We need a green and equitable recovery from Covid 19. It is goverment's responsability to invest in Nature-based solution for us and for our children and granchildren. Please take actions in this sense.
We cannot continue as we are doing now. Please take inequality and the climate emergency seriously. Please - for the sake of our childrens' future.
We simply cannot let this destructive use of natural resources continue. Future generations have a right to enjoy the fruits of sustainable food production. But we haven't even begun! Please, please take care of our earth and its future.
Why is Canada buying/trading Brazilian beef? We produce our own beef. Nonsense! The Liberal Government has to answer for this if Trudeau gets his act together and do his job!
It's a brilliant story with a real moral...thank you!!! ( I have not eaten meat in decades and I am healthy and happy.)
Everyone has duty to mitigate their impact on the environment. My husband ... we call him Saint Dan ... has not eaten meat since 1971, has not flown on a plane since 1985 and his footprint is very light. We have a large vegetable garden, ride our bikes to work and as a form of recreation, buy organic and local when we can afford it, plant trees on our property and our hydro bill is 30 dollars a month. One bag of garbage (primarily non recyclable plastic) every three months.. We don't have any pets. This is what we need to do (and more) in order to make a difference. Make the personal changes and work on the political changes.