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My week on a plastic beach helping to name and shame its polluters
It was more devastating than I imagined, and that’s saying something considering the descriptions and pictures I’ve been exposed to over the years. The plastic pollution covering Freedom Island in…
Nestlé, Unilever, P&G among worst offenders for plastic pollution in Philippines in beach audit
Montreal, September 21, 2017 – Following a week-long beach clean up on Freedom Island, a critical wetland habitat and Ramsar site [1] spanning 30 hectares in Manila Bay – one…
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Share Your Photos of Coke’s Plastic Pollution
Coca-Cola is the biggest producer of plastic bottles in the world, producing over 100 billion plastic bottles every year.
Plastic Pollution – Why Coca-Cola bears responsibility
One of the best things about working on Greenpeace’s campaign to end ocean plastics is the chance to have lots of conversations with all sorts of people about the issue. One question that keeps coming up is - what’s the solution and who bears the responsibility?
5 Reasons Why We Visited Coca-Cola’s HQ
On April 9th, Greenpeace installed a piece of art right on the doorstep of Coca-Cola’s European office in London (UK), to hold the soft drinks giant accountable for ocean plastic pollution.
The case against Coca-Cola: How the world’s biggest soft drinks company is failing to address ocean plastic pollution
As the world’s biggest soft drinks company, Coca-Cola bears a particular responsibility for the plastic crisis our oceans are facing.
Canada bans microbeads! Another move to tackle plastic pollution…and more needed!
When you google “microbeads,” calls to ban them pop up in the search results even before the trusty Wikipedia definition. That’s because scientific studies and environmental organizations have shone a…