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PRESS RELEASE: Activists call on G7 and corporations to end plastic pollution crisis
On World Environment Day June 5, 2018 (TORONTO) – New data collected through cleanups and brand audits confirms that some of the world’s largest corporations — including Coca-Cola, Unilever, Nestlé,…
STATEMENT: Canada must use G7 presidency to tackle plastic pollution at the source
May 11, 2018 (TORONTO) – In response to Minister McKenna’s recent comments comparing the upcoming G7 plastics charter to the Paris Climate Agreement, Greenpeace Canada plastics campaigner, Farrah Khan, said:…
Greenpeace’s new ‘open’ project & your plastic-free future toolkit!
Earth Day 2018’s theme is to End Plastic Pollution, and Greenpeace Canada is rising to the challenge with the launch of our brand new project that’s a bit different from…
PRESS RELEASE: Greenpeace launches Plastic-Free Future Action Toolkit
For Earth Day Greenpeace is known for driving hard-hitting campaigns that expose environmental problems and hold corporations and governments accountable. Through the launch of a how-to guide entitled A Million Acts…
Guest Blog: Action on plastics shouldn’t make life suck for disabled people
Greenpeace have been campaigning to raise awareness of the harmful impact plastics have on our oceans for several years: from microbeads to single-use plastics such as bottles, bags and straws. Nonetheless, it’s fair to say that the horrifying scenes captured by Sir David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet 2’ showcased the hazards faced by marine life, and…
Share your pics of ridiculous packaging!
Have you ever looked around - at the supermarket, or coffee shop, or local mall - and noticed how much excessive plastic there is? Once you start looking for it, it’s EVERYWHERE. And it’s a huge problem.
Do ocean sanctuaries really work?
Our oceans are massive and unlike most places on land, they don’t really have borders. Animals, water (and sadly now plastic) all move freely across the globe.
PRESS RELEASE – Greenpeace slams Coca-Cola plastic announcement as ‘dodging the main issue’
More plastic production means more ocean plastic pollution Friday 19th January, 2018 — Greenpeace today criticised Coca-Cola’s new global plastics plan for failing to address the urgency of ocean plastic…
Setting Sail to protect the Antarctic
As I write this the Arctic Sunrise, one of Greenpeace’s ships, is sailing south. For the next three months its crew will be working alongside a team of campaigners, photographers, film-makers, scientists and journalists from across the globe to build the case for the world’s largest protected area: an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary.
My week on a plastic beach helping to name and shame its polluters
It was more devastating than I imagined, and that’s saying something considering the descriptions and pictures I’ve been exposed to over the years. The plastic pollution covering Freedom Island in…