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How I woke up to the plastic pollution problem
A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of teaching a young couple to dive in Thailand on one of my favourite reefs. Weather conditions were perfect, with mild currents…
Join our Plastic Polluters Brand Audit on September 15th!
On Saturday, September 15th, shoreline and community cleanup activities will take place around the world. This year, Greenpeace, along with various organizations in the Break Free From Plastic movement, will…
REACTIVE: Starbucks to remove fossil fuel derived plastic straws globally, debut new lids in Vancouver, Seattle
Vancouver, BC – Starbucks has announced today that it is removing fossil fuel derived plastic straws from its 28,000 stores globally by 2020, including its over 1000 stores in Canada.…
Q&A about plastic pollution
What are the alternatives to single-use or throwaway plastics? To truly tackle the plastics epidemic, companies need to fundamentally rethink how they bring products to people. That could include refill and…
G7 charter won’t effectively tackle plastic pollution, but Canada can still act
Greenpeace activists send G7 leaders a hard-to-miss message one day before the G7 Summit in Charlevoix Quebec. © David Kawai / Greenpeace This past weekend, the G7 announced the creation…
STATEMENT: Ikea commits to phase out single-use plastics by 2020
June 8, 2018 (Washington, DC) – Ikea announced today that it will remove all single-use plastic products from its 363 stores globally and from customer and co-worker restaurants in its…
PRESS RELEASE: Companies joining new Ellen MacArthur Foundation plastics leadership coalition must prioritize transparency and reduction
June 11, 2018 (VANCOUVER) – Today, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation announced the development of a new coalition on plastic pollution, urging the world’s largest companies to join and show leadership…
STATEMENT: Trudeau’s announcement of G7 Ocean Plastics Charter indicates the agreement will fail to adequately address plastic pollution crisis
G7 Summit June 9, 2018 (QUÉBEC CITY) – Following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Chair’s Press Conference about the final communique of the 2018 G7 Summit and his announcement of the…
PRESS RELEASE: G7 Summit: Environmental groups call on Minister McKenna to use law, crack down on plastic pollution
June 7, 2018 (OTTAWA) – On the eve of the G7 Summit meeting in Charlevoix, Quebec, environmental groups are calling on Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna…
MEDIA ADVISORY: G7 Summit : Environmental organizations will be in Quebec City
At the International Media Center June 7, 2018 (QUÉBEC City) – Environmental Defence Canada, Équiterre, Climate Action Network Canada and Greenpeace Canada will be available for interviews at the G7…