What this Pledge Campaign is About
We call on all Members of Parliament to sign this pledge [PDF] to:
(1) recognise every person’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as part of our fundamental liberty in Article 5(1); and
(2) support its recognition in any –
(i) future legislation, including amendments to existing legislation;
(ii) future amendments to the Federal Constitution; and
(iii) policies and programmes that affect the environment.
We cannot ignore the more frequent and more devastating floods, the mounting evidence of the serious impacts of air pollution and the urgent need to combat climate change and its consequences.
We are greatly encouraged by the historic resolution by the United Nations General Assembly on 28 July 2022 declaring access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a universal human right. We are proud that Malaysia has voted in favour of the resolution.
We believe that this pledge is crucial even though Malaysian judges have interpreted the right to life in Article 5(1) of the Federal Constitution to include the right to live in a reasonably healthy and pollution-free environment, because the Constitution does not explicitly refer to environmental rights.
This campaign is initiated by CERAH, a civil society organisation focusing on our rights to clean air and clear skies, through advocacy in dealing with transboundary haze. Our partner is Greenpeace, and other organisations as listed below. CERAH can be contacted at [email protected]
List of Members of Parliament (MP’s) Who Have Signed The Pledge
(Updated 01 August 2022)
1. YB Tuan Sim Tze Tzin (P052 Bayan Baru)
2. YB Puan Fuziah binti Salleh (P083 Kuantan)
3. YB Tuan Karupaiya a/l Mutusami (P017 Padang Serai)
4. YB Puan June Leow Hsiad Hui (P094 Hulu Selangor)
5. YB Tuan Charles Anthony Santiago (P110 Klang)
6. YB Puan Rusnah binti Aluai (P136 Tangga Batu)
7. YB Puan Nor Azrina binti Surip (P014 Merbok)
8. YB Tuan Wong Chen (P104 Subang)
9. YB Puan Kasthuriraani a/p Patto (P046 Batu Kawan)
10. YB Puan Hajah Natrah Ismail (P141 Sekijang)
11. YB Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa (P057 Parit Buntar)
List of Organisations in Support
“Kita kini berada diambang perjalanan yang memperjuangkan pembangunan lestari dan hak generasi akan datang. Walau bagaimana pun undang-undang sedia ada masih ketinggalan. Sekiranya lebih ramai di antara kita yang mengorak langkah dengan berbekalkan keberanian, keazaman dan harapan ke arah yang sama, saya percaya sepenuhnya bahawa ia akan membuka laluan untuk diteladani ramai.
Teringat saya pada pepatah bahawa bukan undang-undang yang menjadikan kita adil namun kita yang membawa keadilan kepada undang-undang. Oleh itu, bersama kita dengan satu suara memperkasakan kelestarian sebagai keutamaan ke arah membina sebuah negara yang lebih hijau, bersih, makmur dan bahagia.”
~ Profesor Emeritus Datuk Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi,
Penyandang Kursi Tunku Abdul Rahman, Universiti Malaya
“In the area of sustainable development and the rights of future generations, we are at the commencement of a journey and the law is lagging behind. But if more of us, with courage, determination and hope start walking in a particular direction, I have no doubt that, in time, a path will emerge for others to follow.
I am reminded of the saying that it is not the law that makes us free. It is we that make the law free. Let us then raise our voices to make sustainability a genuine priority so that we can build a nation that is greener, cleaner, wealthier and happier.”
~ Profesor Emeritus Datuk Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi,
Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair, University of Malaya