For Papiamentu and English, please see below.
Op 11 mei 2023 stellen Angelo Vrolijk, Judmar Emerenciana, Helen Angela, Jackie Bernabela, Onnie Emerenciana, Danique Martis, Kjelld Masoud Kroon en Greenpeace Nederland samen de Nederlandse Staat aansprakelijk. We eisen dat Bonaire beschermd wordt in de klimaatcrisis, en dat de Nederlandse CO2-uitstoot sneller omlaag gaat.
Lees hieronder onze sommatiebrief aan de Nederlandse Staat.
Riba 11 di mei 2023 Angelo Vrolijk, Judmar Emerenciana, Helen Angela, Jackie Bernabela, Onnie Emerenciana, Danique Martis, Kjelld Masoud Kroon huntu ku Greenpeace Hulanda ta responsabilisá Estado hulandes. Nos ta eksigí ku Boneiru ta wòrdu protehá durante e krísis di klima i ku e emishon di CO2 hulandes ta baha ainda mas lihé.
Akibou por lesa nos sommatiebrief mandá na Estado hulandes.
*E dokumento akibou ta kontené un tradukshon no ofisial. E vershon na hulandes ta e úniko teksto ofisial.
On 11 May 2023 Angelo Vrolijk, Judmar Emerenciana, Helen Angela, Jackie Bernabela, Onnie Emerenciana, Danique Martis, Kjelld Masoud Kroon and Greenpeace Netherlands sent the Dutch government a pre-litigation letter that states that the Dutch State has a legal obligation to protect the people of Bonaire against climate change. We demand that Bonaire is protected in the climate crisis, and that the Netherlands reduces its CO2-emissions more quickly.
Read our pre-litigation letter to the Dutch State below.
*The document below contains an unofficial translation of the Dutch pre-litigation letter. The original Dutch version of this letter is the only official text.