All articles by Greenpeace Africa
Illegal sand harvesting in Mai Mahiu area
Mai Mahiu area is a sleepy truck stop town located along the Nairobi – Naivasha road, using the Longonot route at the bottom of the escarpment. It’s a quiet and…
Monsanto in South Africa:The True Cost Of Our Food
We share how large seed companies like Monsanto in South Africa, endanger livelihoods by pushing harmful seed policies, and how to organize ourselves to fight back.
#SameColonizersDifferentShip.. Seismic Surveys on the Wild Coast..
Only a few days after the Glasgow Climate Crisis meeting was concluded, we had the Amazon Warrior dock in Cape Town harbour. The Amazon Warrior is owned by Shearwater Geoservices, the company Royal Dutch Shell appointed to conduct surveys on their behalf.
NDC Write-up for Zutari Report
Global greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere are rapidly increasing as a result of anthropogenic activities. Due to their radiative properties, GHGs are attributed to global warming and climate change.
How climate change is affecting Africa right now, and what you can do about it.
The effects of climate change in Africa are already visible. We must take action immediately.
NGOs letter to donor governments
Imminent threat to the Congo Basin rainforest from the lifting of the DRC moratorium on new logging concessions
Open Letter to Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
This Open letter comes to you from Greenpeace Africa, deCOALonize, the communities of Lamu and Kitui County. We are deeply concerned by the Treasury budget allocation of 1.3 Billion shillings to the exploration and mining of coal in Kenya.
As the world watches in shock at these eruptions which have impacted so many lives in Goma, we express our deepest sadness, sympathies and wishes for strength and courage to those who have lost friends and family in this disaster.
Annual Report 2018
Every year has its lessons, and 2018 brought with it major victories as well as challenges for Greenpeace Africa (GPAF). It was the second year of our three-year strategic plan…
10 key facts about the Southern Right whale and why it’s important to protect their habitat
Whales are very important for the oceans. It could be said that they are “ecosystem engineers” because they help, in various ways, to keep life at sea healthy by redistributing…